Arber Zela
Cited by
Cited by
Understanding and Robustifying Differentiable Architecture Search
A Zela, T Elsken, T Saikia, Y Marrakchi, T Brox, F Hutter
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) (Oral), 2020
Surrogate NAS Benchmarks: Going Beyond the Limited Search Spaces of Tabular NAS Benchmarks
A Zela*, JN Siems*, L Zimmer*, J Lukasik, M Keuper, F Hutter
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2021
Towards automated deep learning: Efficient joint neural architecture and hyperparameter search
A Zela, A Klein, S Falkner, F Hutter
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2018, AutoML Workshop, 2018
NAS-Bench-1Shot1: Benchmarking and Dissecting One-shot Neural Architecture Search
A Zela*, J Siems*, F Hutter
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2020
How Powerful are Performance Predictors in Neural Architecture Search?
C White, A Zela, B Ru, Y Liu, F Hutter
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 2021
Neural ensemble search for uncertainty estimation and dataset shift
S Zaidi*, A Zela*, T Elsken, CC Holmes, F Hutter, Y Teh
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 2021
Neural architecture search: Insights from 1000 papers
C White, M Safari, R Sukthanker, B Ru, T Elsken, A Zela, D Dey, F Hutter
arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.08727, 2023
Autodispnet: Improving disparity estimation with automl
T Saikia, Y Marrakchi, A Zela, F Hutter, T Brox
Proceedings of the ieee/cvf international conference on computer vision …, 2019
NAS-Bench-Suite: NAS Evaluation is (Now) Surprisingly Easy
Y Mehta*, C White*, A Zela, A Krishnakumar, G Zabergja, S Moradian, ...
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2022
NAS-Bench-Suite-Zero: Accelerating Research on Zero Cost Proxies
A Krishnakumar*, C White*, A Zela*, R Tu, M Safari, F Hutter
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36, Datasets and …, 2022
Winning solutions and post-challenge analyses of the ChaLearn AutoDL challenge 2019
Z Liu, A Pavao, Z Xu, S Escalera, F Ferreira, I Guyon, S Hong, F Hutter, ...
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 43 (9), 3108-3125, 2021
JAHS-Bench-201: A Foundation For Research On Joint Architecture And Hyperparameter Search
A Bansal, D Stoll, M Janowski, A Zela, F Hutter
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36, Datasets and …, 2022
Smooth variational graph embeddings for efficient neural architecture search
J Lukasik, D Friede, A Zela, H Stuckenschmidt, F Hutter, M Keuper
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2021, 2020
NASLib: A Modular and Flexible Neural Architecture Search Library
M Ruchte*, A Zela*, J Siems, J Grabocka, F Hutter
Neural architecture search for dense prediction tasks in computer vision
R Mohan, T Elsken, A Zela, JH Metzen, B Staffler, T Brox, A Valada, ...
International Journal of Computer Vision 131 (7), 1784-1807, 2023
Multi-headed Neural Ensemble Search
AR Narayanan, A Zela, T Saikia, T Brox, F Hutter
Workshop on Uncertainty and Robustness in Deep Learning @ICML 2021, 2021
Bag of Tricks for Neural Architecture Search
T Elsken, B Staffler, A Zela, JH Metzen, F Hutter
CVPR Workshop on Neural Architecture Search: 1st Lightweight NAS Challenge …, 2021
Multi-objective Differentiable Neural Architecture Search
RS Sukthanker*, A Zela*, B Staffler, S Dooley, J Grabocka, F Hutter
arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.18213, 2024
HW-GPT-Bench: Hardware-Aware Architecture Benchmark for Language Models
RS Sukthanker, A Zela, B Staffler, JKH Franke, F Hutter
arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.10299, 2024
Method, device and computer program for predicting a suitable configuration of a machine learning system for a training data set
A Zela, F Hutter, J Siems, L Zimmer
US Patent App. 16/950,570, 2021
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Articles 1–20