Athanasios Damialis
Athanasios Damialis
Terrestrial Ecology and Climate Change, Department of Ecology, School of Biology, A.U.Th.
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Changes to airborne pollen counts across Europe
C Ziello, TH Sparks, N Estrella, J Belmonte, KC Bergmann, E Bucher, ...
PloS one 7 (4), e34076, 2012
Temperature-related changes in airborne allergenic pollen abundance and seasonality across the northern hemisphere: a retrospective data analysis
LH Ziska, L Makra, SK Harry, N Bruffaerts, M Hendrickx, F Coates, ...
The Lancet Planetary Health 3 (3), e124-e131, 2019
Allergenic pollen records (15 years) and sensitization in patients with respiratory allergy in Thessaloniki, Greece
D Gioulekas, D Papakosta, A Damialis, F Spieksma, P Giouleka, ...
Allergy 59 (2), 174-184, 2004
Long-term trends in atmospheric pollen levels in the city of Thessaloniki, Greece
A Damialis, JM Halley, D Gioulekas, D Vokou
Atmospheric Environment 41 (33), 7011-7021, 2007
Geographic and temporal variations in pollen exposure across E urope
M Smith, S Jäger, U Berger, B Šikoparija, M Hallsdottir, I Sauliene, ...
Allergy 69 (7), 913-923, 2014
Transport of airborne pollen into the city of Thessaloniki: the effects of wind direction, speed and persistence
A Damialis, D Gioulekas, C Lazopoulou, C Balafoutis, D Vokou
International Journal of Biometeorology 49, 139-145, 2005
Fifteen years' record of airborne allergenic pollen and meteorological parameters in Thessaloniki, Greece
D Gioulekas, C Balafoutis, A Damialis, D Papakosta, G Gioulekas, ...
International Journal of Biometeorology 48, 128-136, 2004
Higher airborne pollen concentrations correlated with increased SARS-CoV-2 infection rates, as evidenced from 31 countries across the globe
A Damialis, S Gilles, M Sofiev, V Sofieva, F Kolek, D Bayr, MP Plaza, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (12), 2021
Allergenic fungi spore records (15 years) and sensitization in patients with respiratory allergy in Thessaloniki-Greece
D Gioulekas, A Damialis, D Papakosta, F Spieksma, P Giouleka, ...
Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology 14, 225-231, 2004
Pollen exposure weakens innate defense against respiratory viruses
S Gilles, C Blume, M Wimmer, A Damialis, L Meulenbroek, M Gökkaya, ...
Allergy 75 (3), 576-587, 2020
Monitoring, modelling and forecasting of the pollen season
H Scheifinger, J Belmonte, J Buters, S Celenk, A Damialis, C Dechamp, ...
Allergenic pollen: A review of the production, release, distribution and …, 2013
Climate change and pollen allergies
A Damialis, C Traidl-Hoffmann, R Treudler
Biodiversity and health in the face of climate change, 47-66, 2019
Fungi in a changing world: growth rates will be elevated, but spore production may decrease in future climates
A Damialis, AB Mohammad, JM Halley, AC Gange
International journal of biometeorology 59, 1157-1167, 2015
Estimating the abundance of airborne pollen and fungal spores at variable elevations using an aircraft: how high can they fly?
A Damialis, E Kaimakamis, M Konoglou, I Akritidis, C Traidl-Hoffmann, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 1-11, 2017
Airborne pollen in three European cities: Detection of atmospheric circulation pathways by applying three‐dimensional clustering of backward trajectories
L Makra, T Sánta, I Matyasovszky, A Damialis, K Karatzas, KC Bergmann, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 115 (D24), 2010
Near-ground effect of height on pollen exposure
J Rojo, J Oteros, R Pérez-Badia, P Cervigón, Z Ferencova, ...
Environmental research 174, 160-169, 2019
Airborne Alternaria and Cladosporium fungal spores in Europe: Forecasting possibilities and relationships with meteorological parameters
A Grinn-Gofroń, J Nowosad, B Bosiacka, I Camacho, C Pashley, ...
Science of the Total Environment 653, 938-946, 2019
Alternaria spores in the air across Europe: abundance, seasonality and relationships with climate, meteorology and local environment
CA Skjřth, A Damialis, J Belmonte, C De Linares, ...
Aerobiologia 32, 3-22, 2016
Spatial and temporal variations in airborne Ambrosia pollen in Europe
B Sikoparija, CA Skjřth, S Çelenk, C Testoni, T Abramidze, K Alm Kübler, ...
Aerobiologia 33, 181-189, 2017
Parietaria judaica flowering phenology, pollen production, viability and atmospheric circulation, and expansive ability in the urban environment: impacts of …
C Fotiou, A Damialis, N Krigas, JM Halley, D Vokou
International Journal of Biometeorology 55, 35-50, 2011
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