Tigran Vartanyan
Tigran Vartanyan
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Ultrafast Dephasing of Surface Plasmon Excitation in Silver Nanoparticles:<? format?> Influence of Particle Size, Shape, and Chemical Surrounding
J Bosbach, C Hendrich, F Stietz, T Vartanyan, F Träger
Physical review letters 89 (25), 257404, 2002
Decay times of surface plasmon excitation in metal nanoparticles by persistent spectral hole burning
F Stietz, J Bosbach, T Wenzel, T Vartanyan, A Goldmann, F Träger
Physical Review Letters 84 (24), 5644, 2000
Enhanced selective reflection from a thin layer of a dilute gaseous medium
TA Vartanyan, DL Lin
Physical Review A 51 (3), 1959, 1995
Boosting terahertz photoconductive antenna performance with optimised plasmonic nanostructures
S Lepeshov, A Gorodetsky, A Krasnok, N Toropov, TA Vartanyan, P Belov, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 6624, 2018
Reliable and well-controlled synthesis of noble metal nanoparticles by continuous wave laser ablation in different liquids for deposition of thin films with variable optical …
SM Arakelyan, VP Veiko, SV Kutrovskaya, AO Kucherik, AV Osipov, ...
Journal of Nanoparticle Research 18, 1-12, 2016
Chemical interface damping of surface plasmon excitation in metal nanoparticles: a study by persistent spectral hole burning
C Hendrich, J Bosbach, F Stietz, F Hubenthal, T Vartanyan, F Träger
Applied Physics B 76, 869-875, 2003
Subradiation Structure in the Absorption Spectrum of a Two-Level System in a Biharmonic Radiation Field
AM Bonch-Bruevich, T Vartanyan, NA Chigir
Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 77 (5), 1899-1909, 1979
Photodesorption of sodium from the surface of sapphire
AM Bonch-Bruevich, TA Vartanyan, AV Gorlanov, YN Maksimov, ...
Zh. Éksp. Teor. Fiz 97, 1077-1185, 1990
Theory of spectral hole burning for the study of ultrafast electron dynamics in metal nanoparticles
T Vartanyan, J Bosbach, F Stietz, F Träger
Applied Physics B 73, 391-399, 2001
Dephasing times of surface plasmon excitation in Au nanoparticles determined by persistent spectral hole burning
T Ziegler, C Hendrich, F Hubenthal, T Vartanyan, F Träger
Chemical physics letters 386 (4-6), 319-324, 2004
Application of metal nanoparticles in confocal laser scanning microscopy: improved resolution by optical field enhancement
M Alschinger, M Maniak, F Stietz, T Vartanyan, F Träger
Applied Physics B 76, 771-774, 2003
Femtosecond optical second harmonic generation by metal clusters: The influence of inhomogeneous line broadening on the dephasing time of surface plasmon excitation.
T Vartanyan, M Simon, F Träger
Applied Physics B: Lasers & Optics 68 (3), 1999
Optical properties of nanostructured gold-silver films formed by deposition of small colloid drops
AA Antipov, SM Arakelyan, TA Vartanyan, TE Itina, SV Kutrovskaya, ...
Optics and Spectroscopy 119, 119-123, 2015
Photodetachment of atoms from a continuous surface of a metal
AM Bonch-Bruevich, T Vartanyan
Soviet Physics-JETP 70 (6), 993-996, 1990
Evolution of the optical properties and morphology of thin metal films during growth and annealing
NB Leonov, IA Gladskikh, VA Polishchuk, TA Vartanyan
Optics and spectroscopy 119, 450-455, 2015
Aggregation of cyanine dye molecules in the near fields of plasmonic nanoparticles excited by pulsed laser irradiation
NA Toropov, PS Parfenov, TA Vartanyan
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (31), 18010-18014, 2014
Resonant reflection of intense optical radiation from a low-density gaseous medium
TA Vartanyan
Sov. Phys. JETP 61 (4), 674-677, 1985
The crossover between tunnel and hopping conductivity in granulated films of noble metals
A Kavokin, S Kutrovskaya, A Kucherik, A Osipov, T Vartanyan, ...
Superlattices and Microstructures 111, 335-339, 2017
Self-organized plasmonic metasurfaces: The role of the Purcell effect in metal-enhanced chemiluminescence (MEC)
DR Dadadzhanov, IA Gladskikh, MA Baranov, TA Vartanyan, ...
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 333, 129453, 2021
Laser-induced synthesis of metal–carbon materials for implementing surface-enhanced Raman scattering
A Kucherik, S Arakelian, T Vartanyan, S Kutrovskaya, A Osipov, ...
Optics and spectroscopy 121, 263-270, 2016
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