Mahadevan Ganesh
Mahadevan Ganesh
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Spatio-temporal pattern formation on spherical surfaces: numerical simulation and application to solid tumour growth
MAJ Chaplain, M Ganesh, IG Graham
Journal of mathematical biology 42, 387-423, 2001
A high-order algorithm for obstacle scattering in three dimensions
M Ganesh, IG Graham
Journal of Computational Physics 198 (1), 211-242, 2004
Numerical solvability of Hammerstein integral equations of mixed type
M Ganesh, MC Joshi
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 11 (1), 21-21, 1991
Multilevel compact radial functions based computational schemes for some elliptic problems
CS Chen, M Ganesh, MA Golberg, AHD Cheng
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 43 (3-5), 359-378, 2002
Particular solutions of 3D Helmholtz-type equations using compactly supported radial basis functions
MA Golberg, CS Chen, M Ganesh
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 24 (7-8), 539-547, 2000
A reduced basis method for electromagnetic scattering by multiple particles in three dimensions
M Ganesh, JS Hesthaven, B Stamm
Journal of Computational Physics 231 (23), 7756-7779, 2012
A pseudospectral three-dimensional boundary integral method applied to a nonlinear model problem from finite elasticity
M Ganesh, IG Graham, J Sivaloganathan
SIAM journal on numerical analysis 31 (5), 1378-1414, 1994
A spectrally accurate algorithm for electromagnetic scattering in three dimensions
M Ganesh, SC Hawkins
Numerical Algorithms 43, 25-60, 2006
A high-order tangential basis algorithm for electromagnetic scattering by curved surfaces
M Ganesh, SC Hawkins
Journal of Computational Physics 227 (9), 4543-4562, 2008
A new spectral boundary integral collocation method for three-dimensional potential problems
M Ganesh, IG Graham, J Sivaloganathan
SIAM journal on numerical analysis 35 (2), 778-805, 1998
Optimal order spline methods for nonlinear differential and integro-differential equations
M Ganesh, IH Sloan
Applied numerical mathematics 29 (4), 445-478, 1999
Convergence analysis with parameter estimates for a reduced basis acoustic scattering T-matrix method
M Ganesh, SC Hawkins, R Hiptmair
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 32 (4), 1348-1374, 2012
A fully discrete Galerkin method for high frequency exterior acoustic scattering in three dimensions
M Ganesh, SC Hawkins
Journal of Computational Physics 230 (1), 104-125, 2011
Algorithm 975: TMATROM—a T-matrix reduced order model software
M Ganesh, SC Hawkins
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 44 (1), 1-18, 2017
Computing spatial correlation of ground motion intensities for ShakeMap
SA Verros, DJ Wald, CB Worden, M Hearne, M Ganesh
Computers & Geosciences 99, 145-154, 2017
Three dimensional electromagnetic scattering T-matrix computations
M Ganesh, SC Hawkins
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 234 (6), 1702-1709, 2010
A high-order algorithm for multiple electromagnetic scattering in three dimensions
M Ganesh, SC Hawkins
Numerical Algorithms 50 (4), 469-510, 2009
High-order FEM–BEM computer models for wave propagation in unbounded and heterogeneous media: Application to time-harmonic acoustic horn problem
M Ganesh, C Morgenstern
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 307, 183-203, 2016
A far-field based T-matrix method for two dimensional obstacle scattering
M Ganesh, SC Hawkins
ANZIAM Journal 51, C215-C230, 2009
A Petrov–Galerkin method with quadrature for elliptic boundary value problems
B Bialecki, M Ganesh, K Mustapha
IMA journal of numerical analysis 24 (1), 157-177, 2004
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Articles 1–20