Daiki Wakita
Daiki Wakita
PhD, JSPS Researcher (PD), Misaki Marine Biological Station, The University of Tokyo
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Connectome of the lamina reveals the circuit for early color processing in the visual pathway of a butterfly
A Matsushita, F Stewart, M Ilić, PJ Chen, D Wakita, N Miyazaki, K Murata, ...
Current Biology 32 (10), 2291-2299. e3, 2022
A general model of locomotion of brittle stars with a variable number of arms
D Wakita, K Kagaya, H Aonuma
Journal of the Royal Society interface 17 (162), 20190374, 2020
Molecular systematics and morphological analyses of the subgenus Setihenricia (Echinodermata: Asteroidea: Henricia) from Japan
D Wakita, T Fujita, H Kajihara
Species Diversity 24 (2), 119-135, 2019
Sea stars of the genus Henricia Gray, 1840 (Echinodermata, Asteroidea) from Vostok Bay, Sea of Japan
A Chichvarkhin, O Chichvarkhina, D Wakita
PeerJ 7, e6585, 2019
Different synchrony in rhythmic movement caused by morphological difference between five-and six-armed brittle stars
D Wakita, Y Hayase, H Aonuma
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 8298, 2019
Elongating, entwining, and dragging: mechanism for adaptive locomotion of tubificine worm blobs in a confined environment
T Mikami, D Wakita, R Kobayashi, A Ishiguro, T Kano
Frontiers in Neurorobotics 17, 1207374, 2023
Morphology and spectral sensitivity of long visual fibers and lamina monopolar cells in the butterfly Papilio xuthus
D Wakita, H Shibasaki, M Kinoshita, K Arikawa
Journal of Comparative Neurology 532 (2), e25579, 2024
Quantitative Analysis of the Coordinated Movement of Cells in a Freely Moving Cell Population
D Umetsu, S Yamaji, D Wakita, T Kano
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics 35 (4), 931-937, 2023
Arm swapping autograft shows functional equivalency of five arms in sea stars
D Wakita, H Aonuma, S Tochinai
BioRxiv, 676254, 2019
Generalized locomotion of brittle stars with an arbitrary number of arms
D Wakita, K Kagaya, H Aonuma
bioRxiv, 616383, 2019
Generalized locomotion of brittle stars with a flexible number of arms
D Wakita, K Kagaya, H Aonuma
bioRxiv, 2019
Five breaks synchrony while six keeps synchrony: individual difference in the coordinated pattern of five-and six-armed brittle stars
D Wakita, Y Hayase, H Aonuma
BioRxiv, 340471, 2018
Arm transplantation in sea stars
D Wakita, S Tochinai
Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals …, 2017
Discovery of the first new species of the genus Mimastrella (Asteroidea: Paxillosida) from the Northern Hemisphere
I Kobayashi, M Hibino, D Wakita, H Kohtsuka
Journal of Natural History 59 (9-12), 655-661, 2025
Designing Decentralized Systems with High Survivability Inspired by Altruistic Social Interactions of Vampire Bats
T Kano, S Kawamura, T Mikami, D Wakita, A Ishiguro
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics 36 (3), 546-554, 2024
Three-dimensional morphological analysis of the dynamic digestive system in the green brittle star
D Wakita, K Naniwa, H Aonuma
bioRxiv, 640235, 2019
Sea stars of the genus
A Chichvarkhin, O Chichvarkhina, D Wakita
PeerJ 7, 2018
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Articles 1–17