Ehsan Emadzadeh
Ehsan Emadzadeh
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Text mining approaches for stock market prediction
A Nikfarjam, E Emadzadeh, S Muthaiyah
2010 The 2nd international conference on computer and automation engineering …, 2010
Towards generating a patient’s timeline: extracting temporal relationships from clinical notes
A Nikfarjam, E Emadzadeh, G Gonzalez
Journal of biomedical informatics 46, S40-S47, 2013
Overview of the gene ontology task at BioCreative IV
Y Mao, K Van Auken, D Li, CN Arighi, P McQuilton, GT Hayman, ...
Database 2014, 2014
Hybrid semantic analysis for mapping adverse drug reaction mentions in tweets to medical terminology
E Emadzadeh, A Sarker, A Nikfarjam, G Gonzalez
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2017, 679, 2018
A hybrid system for emotion extraction from suicide notes
A Nikfarjam, E Emadzadeh, G Gonzalez
Biomedical informatics insights 5, BII. S8981, 2012
Learning materials recommendation using a hybrid recommender system with automated keyword extraction
E Emadzadeh, A Nikfarjam, KI Gauth, NG Why
World Applied Science, 9 (11), 1260-1271, 2010
Double layered learning for biological event extraction from text
E Emadzadeh, A Nikfarjam, G Gonzalez
Proceedings of BioNLP Shared Task 2011 Workshop, 153-154, 2011
A comparative study on measure of semantic relatedness function
E Emadzadeh, A Nikfarjam, S Muthaiyah
2010 The 2nd international conference on Computer and Automation Engineering …, 2010
Unsupervised gene function extraction using semantic vectors
E Emadzadeh, A Nikfarjam, RE Ginn, G Gonzalez
Database 2014, bau084, 2014
Automated Extraction and Classification of Drug-Drug Interactions from Text
T Tahsin, E Emadzadeh, G Gonzalez
KDD Workshop on Data Mining for Healthcare (DMH), 2013
A generalizable and efficient machine learning approach for biological event extraction from text
E Emadzadeh, A Nikfarjam, G Gonzalez
Proceedings of the BioNLP 2011 Workshop Companion Volume for Shared Task …, 2011
Quality attributes and classification of schema matchers
E Emadzadeh, S Muthaiyah, A Nikfarjam
2010 Second International Conference on Computer Engineering and …, 2010
Temporal relationship extraction from clinical-notes using SVM and graph reasoning
A Nikfarjam, E Emadzadeh, N Sutton, G Gonzalez
Proceedings of, i2b2, 2012
Evaluating distributional semantic and feature selection for extracting relationships from biological text
E Emadzadeh, S Jonnalagadda, G Gonzalez
2011 10th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications and …, 2011
Context-Aware Adaptive Hybrid Semantic Relatedness in Biomedical Science
E Emadzadeh
Arizona State University, 2016
Improving Relationship Extraction from Clinical Notes by Sentence Classification
E Emadzadeh, A Nikfarjam, G Gonzalez
Finding Best Semantic Relatedness Functions For Schema Matchers
E Emadzadeh
University of Multimedia, 2010
Unsupervised Information Extraction for Finding Gene Functions
E Emadzadeh, A Nikfarjam, RE Ginn, G Gonzalez
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Articles 1–18