Kelvin H.L. Zhang
Cited by
Cited by
Band gap, electronic structure, and surface electron accumulation of cubic and rhombohedral
PDC King, TD Veal, F Fuchs, CY Wang, DJ Payne, A Bourlange, H Zhang, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (20), 205211, 2009
Ferromagnetism in dilute magnetic semiconductors through defect engineering: Li-doped ZnO
JB Yi, CC Lim, GZ Xing, HM Fan, LH Van, SL Huang, KS Yang, XL Huang, ...
Physical review letters 104 (13), 137201, 2010
Recent progress on the electronic structure, defect, and doping properties of Ga2O3
J Zhang, J Shi, DC Qi, L Chen, KHL Zhang
APL Materials 8 (2), 020906, 2020
P-type transparent conducting oxides
KHL Zhang, K Xi, MG Blamire, RG Egdell
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 28 (38), 383002, 2016
Wide bandgap oxide semiconductors: from materials physics to optoelectronic devices
J Shi, J Zhang, L Yang, M Qu, DC Qi, KHL Zhang
Advanced Materials 33 (50), 2006230, 2021
Fundamental Carrier Lifetime Exceeding 1 µs in Cs2AgBiBr6 Double Perovskite
RLZ Hoye, L Eyre, F Wei, F Brivio, A Sadhanala, S Sun, W Li, KHL Zhang, ...
Advanced Materials Interfaces 5 (15), 1800464, 2018
Perovskite Sr‐Doped LaCrO3 as a New p‐Type Transparent Conducting Oxide
KHL Zhang, Y Du, A Papadogianni, O Bierwagen, S Sallis, LFJ Piper, ...
Advanced Materials 27 (35), 5191-5195, 2015
Strongly Enhanced Photovoltaic Performance and Defect Physics of Air‐Stable Bismuth Oxyiodide (BiOI)
RLZ Hoye, LC Lee, RC Kurchin, TN Huq, KHL Zhang, M Sponseller, ...
Advanced Materials 29 (36), 1702176, 2017
Electronic and transport properties of Li-doped NiO epitaxial thin films
JY Zhang, WW Li, RLZ Hoye, JL MacManus-Driscoll, M Budde, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 6 (9), 2275-2282, 2018
The electronic structure of transition metal oxides for oxygen evolution reaction
H Wang, KHL Zhang, JP Hofmann, FE Oropeza
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 9 (35), 19465-19488, 2021
P-block metal-based (Sn, In, Bi, Pb) electrocatalysts for selective reduction of CO2 to formate
Z Yang, FE Oropeza, KHL Zhang
Apl Materials 8 (6), 2020
Microscopic origin of electron accumulation in In 2 O 3
KHL Zhang, RG Egdell, F Offi, S Iacobucci, L Petaccia, S Gorovikov, ...
Physical review letters 110 (5), 056803, 2013
Defects in complex oxide thin films for electronics and energy applications: challenges and opportunities
W Li, J Shi, KHL Zhang, JL MacManus-Driscoll
Materials Horizons 7 (11), 2832-2859, 2020
A Single‐Step Hydrothermal Route to 3D Hierarchical Cu2O/CuO/rGO Nanosheets as High‐Performance Anode of Lithium‐Ion Batteries
S Wu, G Fu, W Lv, J Wei, W Chen, H Yi, M Gu, X Bai, L Zhu, C Tan, ...
Small 14 (5), 1702667, 2018
Embedding ZnSe nanodots in nitrogen-doped hollow carbon architectures for superior lithium storage
Z Chen, R Wu, H Wang, KHL Zhang, Y Song, F Wu, F Fang, D Sun
Nano Research 11, 966-978, 2018
Surface energies control the self-organization of oriented In2O3 nanostructures on cubic zirconia
KHL Zhang, A Walsh, CRA Catlow, VK Lazarov, RG Egdell
Nano letters 10 (9), 3740-3746, 2010
Fabrication and Interfacial Electronic Structure of Wide Bandgap NiO and Ga2O3 p–n Heterojunction
J Zhang, S Han, M Cui, X Xu, W Li, H Xu, C Jin, M Gu, L Chen, KHL Zhang
ACS Applied Electronic Materials 2 (2), 456-463, 2020
Increased activity in the oxygen evolution reaction by Fe 4+-induced hole states in perovskite La 1− x Sr x FeO 3
Z Shen, Y Zhuang, W Li, X Huang, FE Oropeza, EJM Hensen, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8 (8), 4407-4415, 2020
Ni3+-Induced Hole States Enhance the Oxygen Evolution Reaction Activity of NixCo3–xO4 Electrocatalysts
M Cui, X Ding, X Huang, Z Shen, TL Lee, FE Oropeza, JP Hofmann, ...
Chemistry of Materials 31 (18), 7618-7625, 2019
Hole-induced insulator-to-metal transition in L a 1− x S r x Cr O 3 epitaxial films
KHL Zhang, Y Du, PV Sushko, ME Bowden, V Shutthanandan, S Sallis, ...
Physical Review B 91 (15), 155129, 2015
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