Osmar Zaiane
Osmar Zaiane
University of Alberta - Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute, Canada CIFAR AI Chair
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Cited by
U2-Net: Going deeper with nested U-structure for salient object detection
X Qin, Z Zhang, C Huang, M Dehghan, OR Zaiane, M Jagersand
Pattern recognition 106, 107404, 2020
Discovering web access patterns and trends by applying OLAP and data mining technology on web logs
OR Zaiane, M Xin, J Han
Proceedings IEEE International Forum on Research and Technology Advances in …, 1998
Uctransnet: rethinking the skip connections in u-net from a channel-wise perspective with transformer
H Wang, P Cao, J Wang, OR Zaiane
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 36 (3), 2441-2449, 2022
Building a recommender agent for e-learning systems
OR Zaiane
International Conference on Computers in Education, 2002. Proceedings., 55-59, 2002
Current state of text sentiment analysis from opinion to emotion mining
A Yadollahi, AG Shahraki, OR Zaiane
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 50 (2), 1-33, 2017
Application of data mining techniques for medical image classification
ML Antonie, OR Zaiane, A Coman
Proceedings of the second international conference on multimedia data mining …, 2001
Web usage mining for a better web-based learning environment
O Zaiane
DMQL: A data mining query language for relational databases
J Han, Y Fu, W Wang, K Koperski, O Zaiane
Proc. 1996 SiGMOD 96, 27-34, 1996
Privacy preserving clustering by data transformation
SRM Oliveira, OR Zaiane
Journal of Information and Data Management 1 (1), 37-37, 2010
Privacy preserving frequent itemset mining
SRM Oliveira, OR Zaiane
Proceedings of the IEEE ICDM workshop on privacy, security and data mining …, 2002
Clustering and sequential pattern mining of online collaborative learning data
D Perera, J Kay, I Koprinska, K Yacef, OR Zaļane
IEEE Transactions on knowledge and Data Engineering 21 (6), 759-772, 2008
Educational data mining applications and tasks: A survey of the last 10 years
B Bakhshinategh, OR Zaiane, S ElAtia, D Ipperciel
Education and Information Technologies 23, 537-553, 2018
Incremental mining of frequent patterns without candidate generation or support constraint
W Cheung, OR Zaiane
Seventh International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium, 2003 …, 2003
Protecting sensitive knowledge by data sanitization
SRM Oliveira, OR Zaļane
Third IEEE International conference on data mining, 613-616, 2003
DBMiner: A System for Mining Knowledge in Large Relational Databases.
J Han, Y Fu, W Wang, J Chiang, W Gong, K Koperski, D Li, Y Lu, A Rajan, ...
KDD 96, 250-255, 1996
A systematic review of data mining and machine learning for air pollution epidemiology
C Bellinger, MS Mohomed Jabbar, O Zaļane, A Osornio-Vargas
BMC public health 17, 1-19, 2017
Mining positive and negative association rules: An approach for confined rules
ML Antonie, OR Zaļane
European Conference on Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 27-38, 2004
Text document categorization by term association
ML Antonie, OR Zaiane
2002 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 2002. Proceedings., 19-26, 2002
Fast parallel association rule mining without candidacy generation
OR Zaiane, M El-Hajj, P Lu
Proceedings 2001 IEEE international conference on data mining, 665-668, 2001
An optimized cost-sensitive SVM for imbalanced data learning
P Cao, D Zhao, O Zaiane
Pacific-Asia conference on knowledge discovery and data mining, 280-292, 2013
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Articles 1–20