Stefan Galler
Stefan Galler
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Specify, compile, run: Hardware from PSL
R Bloem, S Galler, B Jobstmann, N Piterman, A Pnueli, M Weiglhofer
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 190 (4), 3-16, 2007
Automatic hardware synthesis from specifications: A case study
R Bloem, S Galler, B Jobstmann, N Piterman, A Pnueli, M Weiglhofer
2007 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition, 1-6, 2007
Anzu: A Tool for Property Synthesis: (Tool Paper)
B Jobstmann, S Galler, M Weiglhofer, R Bloem
Computer Aided Verification: 19th International Conference, CAV 2007, Berlin …, 2007
Survey on test data generation tools: An evaluation of white-and gray-box testing tools for C#, C++, Eiffel, and Java
SJ Galler, BK Aichernig
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 16, 727-751, 2014
Multivariate analysis of wireless sensor network data for machine condition monitoring
C Yuan, C Neubauer, CR Sastry, S Galler
US Patent 8,112,381, 2012
Automatically extracting mock object behavior from design by contract™ specification for test data generation
SJ Galler, A Maller, F Wotawa
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Automation of Software Test, 43-50, 2010
Aiana: An ai planning system for test data generation
SJ Galler, C Zehentner, F Wotawa
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Testing Object-Oriented Systems, 1-8, 2010
Mostly Harmless Team Description 2006-Robust Control of Mobile Robots.
G Steinbauer, M Brandstötter, M Buchleitner, S Galler, S Jantscher, ...
Proceeding of the International RoboCup Symposium, 0-0, 2006
Synthesize it: From design by contract to meaningful test input data
SJ Galler, M Weiglhofer, F Wotawa
2010 8th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal …, 2010
Concept evaluation of a reflex inspired ball handling device for autonomous soccer robots
H Altinger, SJ Galler, S Mühlbacher-Karrer, G Steinbauer, F Wotawa, ...
RoboCup 2009: Robot Soccer World Cup XIII 13, 11-22, 2010
Challenging Automatic Test Case Generation Tools with Real World Applications
SJ Galler, B Peischl, F Wotawa
Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2008
Automatic Test Generation Tools for Java based on Design-by-Contract: A survey
SJ Galler, F Wotawa, R Königshofer, R Unterberger
Technical report, SoftNet Austria, 2008
The IntiSa Approach: Test Input Data Generation for Non-primitive Data Types by Means of SMT Solver Based Bounded Model Checking
SJ Galler, T Quaritsch, M Weiglhofer, F Wotawa
2011 11th International Conference on Quality Software, 121-130, 2011
Linking the Mostly Harmless RoboCup Software with the SimSrv Simulator
SJ Galler
Bachelor’s thesis, Graz University of Technology, 2004
Automatically Extracting Mock Object Behavior from\DbC Specification for Test Data Generation
S Galler, A Maller, F Wotawa
Sensor Evaluation for a Passive Ball Handling Device for Autonomous Soccer Robots
H Altinger, S Galler, S Mühlbacher-Karrer, H Zangl
4th Austrian RoboCup Workshop, 1-6, 2009
Mostly Harmless: Team Description Paper 2009
S Galler, A Harald, B Bernd, H Alexander, H Christof, J Thomas, ...
RoboCup International Symposium: RoboCup 2009, 0-0, 2009
Applying Scan Lines on a 2D Potential Field to Improve Team Cooperation Through Passing
C Preschern, D Muschick, S Galler
4th Austrian RoboCup Workshop, 1-6, 2009
Recent Challenges in the Middle-Size League
S Galler
3rd Austrian RoboCup Workshop, 1-5, 2008
Plan Description and Execution with Invariants The Planning System of the RoboCup Team “Mostly Harmless”
GFF Wotawa
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Articles 1–20