Konstantinos Chorianopoulos
Konstantinos Chorianopoulos
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Cited by
Making sense of video analytics: Lessons learned from clickstream interactions, attitudes, and learning outcome in a video-assisted course
MN Giannakos, K Chorianopoulos, N Chrisochoides
International review of research in open and distributed learning 16 (1 …, 2015
Using Facebook out of habit
MN Giannakos, K Chorianopoulos, K Giotopoulos, P Vlamos
Behaviour & Information Technology 32 (6), 594-602, 2013
Introduction to social TV: Enhancing the shared experience with interactive TV
K Chorianopoulos, G Lekakos
Intl. Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 24 (2), 113-120, 2008
Serious games as a malleable learning medium: The effects of narrative, gameplay, and making on students’ performance and attitudes
V Garneli, M Giannakos, K Chorianopoulos
British Journal of Educational Technology 48 (3), 842-859, 2017
Computing education in K-12 schools: A review of the literature
V Garneli, MN Giannakos, K Chorianopoulos
2015 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 543-551, 2015
A taxonomy of asynchronous instructional video styles
K Chorianopoulos
International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 19 (1), 2018
User interface design principles for interactive television applications
K Chorianopoulos
Intl. Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 24 (6), 556-573, 2008
The evolution of TV systems, content, and users toward interactivity
P Cesar, K Chorianopoulos
Foundations and TrendsŪ in Human–Computer Interaction 2 (4), 279-373, 2009
Social television and user interaction
P Cesar, K Chorianopoulos, JF Jensen
Computers in Entertainment (CIE) 6 (1), 1-10, 2008
Teaching programming in secondary education through embodied computing platforms: Robotics and wearables
A Merkouris, K Chorianopoulos, A Kameas
ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE) 17 (2), 1-22, 2017
User interface evaluation of interactive TV: a media studies perspective
K Chorianopoulos, D Spinellis
Universal Access in the Information Society 5, 209-218, 2006
Personalized and mobile digital TV applications
K Chorianopoulos
Multimedia tools and Applications 36, 1-10, 2008
Programming video games and simulations in science education: exploring computational thinking through code analysis
V Garneli, K Chorianopoulos
Interactive Learning Environments 26 (3), 386-401, 2018
Needs and gratifications for interactive TV implications for designers
J Livaditi, K Vassilopoulou, C Lougos, K Chorianopoulos
36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2003 …, 2003
Video-based learning and open online courses
M Giannakos, K Chorianopoulos, M Ronchetti, P Szegedi, S Teasley
Kassel University Press, 2014
Investigating differences among the commonly used video lecture styles
C Ilioudi, MN Giannakos, K Chorianopoulos
Proceedings of the Workshop on Analytics on Video-based Learning, WAVe 13, 21-27, 2013
Usability design for video lectures
K Chorianopoulos, MN Giannakos
Proceedings of the 11th european conference on Interactive TV and video, 163-164, 2013
Exergaming can be an innovative way of enjoyable high-intensity interval training
T Moholdt, S Weie, K Chorianopoulos, AI Wang, K Hagen
BMJ open sport & exercise medicine 3 (1), e000258, 2017
The effects of avatars’ gender and appearance on social behavior in virtual worlds
D Banakou, K Chorianopoulos
Journal of Virtual Worlds Research 2 (5), 3-16, 2010
Shared encounters
KS Willis, K Chorianopoulos, M Struppek, G Roussos
CHI'07 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2881-2884, 2007
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Articles 1–20