Kathleen Burnett
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Cited by
Telephone-based, cognitive-behavioral therapy for African American dementia caregivers with depression: initial findings.
RL Glueckauf, WS Davis, F Willis, D Sharma, DJ Gustafson, J Hayes, ...
Rehabilitation psychology 57 (2), 124, 2012
Frequency, intensity and topicality in online learning: An exploration of the interaction dimensions that contribute to student satisfaction in online learning
K Burnett, LJ Bonnici, SD Miksa, J Kim
Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, 21-35, 2007
A comparison of the two traditions of metadata development
K Burnett, KB Ng, S Park
Journal of the American Society for Information Science 50 (13), 1209-1217, 1999
Composition of scientific teams and publication productivity at a national science lab
B Stvilia, CC Hinnant, K Schindler, A Worrall, G Burnett, K Burnett, ...
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 62 (2 …, 2011
Early literacy in library storytimes: A study of measures of effectiveness
K Campana, JE Mills, JL Capps, ET Dresang, A Carlyle, CA Metoyer, ...
The Library Quarterly 86 (4), 369-388, 2016
Toward a theory of hypertextual design
K Burnett
Postmodern culture 3 (2), 1993
Everything old is new again: The evolution of library and information science education from LIS to iField
LJ Bonnici, MM Subramaniam, K Burnett
Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, 263-274, 2009
Interaction and Student Retention, Success and Satisfaction in Web-Based Learning.
K Burnett
For full text: http://www. ifla. org., 2001
Modelling information seeking
K Burnett, EG McKinley
Interacting with computers 10 (3), 285-302, 1998
Research project tasks, data, and perceptions of data quality in a condensed matter physics community
B Stvilia, CC Hinnant, S Wu, A Worrall, DJ Lee, K Burnett, G Burnett, ...
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 66 (2 …, 2015
Author-team diversity and the impact of scientific publications: Evidence from physics research at a national science lab
CC Hinnant, B Stvilia, S Wu, A Worrall, G Burnett, K Burnett, MM Kazmer, ...
Library & Information Science Research 34 (4), 249-257, 2012
Contested terrain: Accreditation and the future of the profession of librarianship
KM Burnett, LJ Bonnici
The Library Quarterly 76 (2), 193-219, 2006
Unfinished business: Race, equity, and diversity in library and information science education
MB Wheeler
Scarecrow Press, 2005
Early literacy in library storytimes, part 2: A quasi-experimental study and intervention with children’s storytime providers
JE Mills, K Campana, A Carlyle, B Kotrla, ET Dresang, IB Urban, ...
The Library Quarterly 88 (2), 160-176, 2018
Rhizomorphic reading: The emergence of a new aesthetic in literature for youth
K Burnett, ET Dresang
The Library Quarterly 69 (4), 421-445, 1999
Latinas cross the IT border: Understanding gender as a boundary object between information worlds
K Burnett, MM Subramaniam, A Gibson
First Monday, 2009
Toward collaborator selection and determination of data ownership and publication authorship in research collaborations
B Stvilia, CC Hinnant, S Wu, A Worrall, DJ Lee, K Burnett, G Burnett, ...
Library & Information Science Research 39 (2), 85-97, 2017
Information use environments of African-American dementia caregivers over the course of cognitive–behavioral therapy for depression
MM Kazmer, RL Glueckauf, J Ma, K Burnett
Library & information science research 35 (3), 191-199, 2013
Distributed Learning in the Florida State University School of Information Studies
G Burnett, K Burnett, D Latham
Benchmarks in distance education: the LIS experience, 29-51, 2003
The scholar's rhizome: Networked communication issues
K Burnett
Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture 1 (2), 1993
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Articles 1–20