Tuomas Ylä-Anttila
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Cited by
Incremental, reformistic or transformational: what kind of change do C40 cities advocate to deal with climate change?
M Heikkinen, T Ylä-Anttila, S Juhola
Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 21 (1), 90-103, 2019
Transnational municipal networks and climate change adaptation: A study of 377 cities
M Heikkinen, A Karimo, J Klein, S Juhola, T Ylä-Anttila
Journal of Cleaner Production 257, 120474, 2020
The role of the private sector and citizens in urban climate change adaptation: Evidence from a global assessment of large cities
J Klein, M Araos, A Karimo, M Heikkinen, T Ylä-Anttila, S Juhola
Global environmental change 53, 127-136, 2018
Advocacy coalitions, beliefs and climate change policy in the United States
A Kukkonen, T Ylä‐Anttila, J Broadbent
Public Administration 95 (3), 713-729, 2017
Climate change policy networks: Why and how to compare them across countries
T Ylä-Anttila, A Gronow, MCJ Stoddart, J Broadbent, V Schneider, ...
Energy Research & Social Science 45, 258-265, 2018
Affective blocs: Understanding affective polarization in multiparty systems
A Kekkonen, T Ylä-Anttila
Electoral Studies 72, 102367, 2021
Cooptation of ENGOs or treadmill of production? Advocacy coalitions and climate change policy in Finland
A Gronow, T Ylä‐Anttila
Policy Studies Journal 47 (4), 860-881, 2019
Justifications analysis: Understanding moral evaluations in public debates
T Ylä-Anttila, E Luhtakallio
Sociological Research Online 21 (4), 1-15, 2016
The quiet opposition: How the pro-economy lobby influences climate policy
J Vesa, A Gronow, T Ylä-Anttila
Global Environmental Change 63, 102117, 2020
Polarization of climate politics results from partisan sorting: Evidence from Finnish Twittersphere
THY Chen, A Salloum, A Gronow, T Ylä-Anttila, M Kivelä
Global Environmental Change 71, 102348, 2021
International organizations, advocacy coalitions, and domestication of global norms: Debates on climate change in Canada, the US, Brazil, and India
A Kukkonen, T Ylä-Anttila, P Swarnakar, J Broadbent, M Lahsen, ...
Environmental Science & Policy 81, 54-62, 2018
Politiikan paluu: Globalisaatioliike ja julkisuus
T Ylä-Anttila
Vastapaino, 2010
Julkisen oikeuttamisen analyysi sosiologisena tutkimusmenetelmänä
E Luhtakallio, T Ylä-Anttila
Sosiologia 48 (1), 2011
Competing crises? Media coverage and framing of climate change during the COVID-19 pandemic
MCJ Stoddart, H Ramos, K Foster, T Ylä-Anttila
Environmental Communication 17 (3), 276-292, 2023
Exploiting the discursive opportunity of the Euro crisis: The rise of the Finns Party
MT Ylä-Anttila, TSS Ylä-Anttila
European populism in the shadow of the great recession, 57-75, 2015
Who got their way? Advocacy coalitions and the Irish climate change law
P Wagner, T Ylä-Anttila
Environmental Politics 27 (5), 872-891, 2018
Explaining collaboration in consensual and conflictual governance networks
A Gronow, P Wagner, T Ylä‐Anttila
Public Administration 98 (3), 730-745, 2020
Can policy forums overcome echo chamber effects by enabling policy learning? Evidence from the Irish climate change policy network
PM Wagner, T Ylä-Anttila
Journal of Public Policy 40 (2), 194-211, 2020
The science–policy interface as a discourse network: Finland’s climate change policy 2002–2015
A Kukkonen, T Ylä-Anttila
Politics and Governance 8 (2), 200-214, 2020
The advocacy coalition index: A new approach for identifying advocacy coalitions
K Satoh, A Gronow, T Ylä‐Anttila
Policy Studies Journal 51 (1), 187-207, 2023
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Articles 1–20