Qinquan Gao
Qinquan Gao
Co-Founder & CEO of Imperial Vision Technology
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Cited by
Image super-resolution using dense skip connections
T Tong, G Li, X Liu, Q Gao
Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision, 4799-4807, 2017
Evaluation of prostate segmentation algorithms for MRI: the PROMISE12 challenge
G Litjens, R Toth, W Van De Ven, C Hoeks, S Kerkstra, B Van Ginneken, ...
Medical image analysis 18 (2), 359-373, 2014
Convolutional neural networks-based MRI image analysis for the Alzheimer’s disease prediction from mild cognitive impairment
W Lin, T Tong, Q Gao, D Guo, X Du, Y Yang, G Guo, M Xiao, M Du, X Qu, ...
Frontiers in neuroscience 12, 777, 2018
Multi-modal classification of Alzheimer's disease using nonlinear graph fusion
T Tong, K Gray, Q Gao, L Chen, D Rueckert, ...
Pattern recognition 63, 171-181, 2017
Multiple instance learning for classification of dementia in brain MRI
T Tong, R Wolz, Q Gao, R Guerrero, JV Hajnal, D Rueckert, ...
Medical image analysis 18 (5), 808-818, 2014
Ntire 2018 challenge on image dehazing: Methods and results
C Ancuti, CO Ancuti, R Timofte
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2018
A novel grading biomarker for the prediction of conversion from mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer's disease
T Tong, Q Gao, R Guerrero, C Ledig, L Chen, D Rueckert, ...
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 64 (1), 155-165, 2016
Discriminative dictionary learning for abdominal multi-organ segmentation
T Tong, R Wolz, Z Wang, Q Gao, K Misawa, M Fujiwara, K Mori, JV Hajnal, ...
Medical image analysis 23 (1), 92-104, 2015
Pirm challenge on perceptual image enhancement on smartphones: Report
A Ignatov, R Timofte, T Van Vu, T Minh Luu, T X Pham, C Van Nguyen, ...
Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) Workshops, 0-0, 2018
Image super-resolution using knowledge distillation
Q Gao, Y Zhao, G Li, T Tong
Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 527-541, 2018
NTIRE 2023 challenge on stereo image super-resolution: Methods and results
L Wang, Y Guo, Y Wang, J Li, S Gu, R Timofte, M Cheng, H Ma, Q Ma, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2023
Bidirectional mapping of brain MRI and PET with 3D reversible GAN for the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease
W Lin, W Lin, G Chen, H Zhang, Q Gao, Y Huang, T Tong, M Du, ...
Frontiers in Neuroscience 15, 646013, 2021
Predicting Alzheimer’s disease conversion from mild cognitive impairment using an extreme learning machine-based grading method with multimodal data
W Lin, Q Gao, J Yuan, Z Chen, C Feng, W Chen, M Du, T Tong
Frontiers in aging neuroscience 12, 77, 2020
Multiclass diagnosis of stages of Alzheimer's disease using linear discriminant analysis scoring for multimodal data
W Lin, Q Gao, M Du, W Chen, T Tong
Computers in biology and medicine 134, 104478, 2021
Guided frequency separation network for real-world super-resolution
Y Zhou, W Deng, T Tong, Q Gao
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2020
O-Net: a novel framework with deep fusion of CNN and transformer for simultaneous segmentation and classification
T Wang, J Lan, Z Han, Z Hu, Y Huang, Y Deng, H Zhang, J Wang, M Chen, ...
Frontiers in neuroscience 16, 876065, 2022
Graph reasoning-based emotion recognition network
Q Gao, H Zeng, G Li, T Tong
IEEE Access 9, 6488-6497, 2021
Nonlinear graph fusion for multi-modal classification of Alzheimer’s disease
T Tong, K Gray, Q Gao, L Chen, D Rueckert
Machine Learning in Medical Imaging: 6th International Workshop, MLMI 2015 …, 2015
An automatic multi-atlas based prostate segmentation using local appearance-specific atlases and patch-based voxel weighting
Q Gao, D Rueckert, P Edwards
MICCAI Grand Challenge: Prostate MR Image Segmentation 2012, 2012
A super-resolution guided network for improving automated thyroid nodule segmentation
X Lin, X Zhou, T Tong, X Nie, L Wang, H Zheng, J Li, E Xue, S Chen, ...
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 227, 107186, 2022
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Articles 1–20