Michael Dambacher
Michael Dambacher
Department of Psychology, Universität Konstanz, Germany
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Frequency and predictability effects on event-related potentials during reading
M Dambacher, R Kliegl, M Hofmann, AM Jacobs
Brain Research 1084 (1), 89-103, 2006
Experimental effects and individual differences in linear mixed models: estimating the relationship between spatial, object, and attraction effects in visual attention
R Kliegl, P Wei, M Dambacher, M Yan, X Zhou
Frontiers in Quantitative Psychology and Measurement 1, 238, 2010
Visual adaptation of the perception of causality
M Rolfs, M Dambacher, P Cavanagh
Current Biology 23, 250-254, 2013
Pseudohomophone effects provide evidence of early lexico‐phonological processing in visual word recognition
M Braun, F Hutzler, JC Ziegler, M Dambacher, AM Jacobs
Human Brain Mapping 30 (7), 1977-1989, 2009
The effect of word position on eye-movements in sentence and paragraph reading
V Kuperman, M Dambacher, A Nuthmann, R Kliegl
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 63 (9), 1838-1857, 2010
Welcome to the real world: Validating fixation-related brain potentials for ecologically valid settings
F Hutzler, M Braun, MLH Vő, V Engl, M Hofmann, M Dambacher, H Leder, ...
Brain Research 1172, 124-129, 2007
Event-related potentials reveal rapid verification of predicted visual input
M Dambacher, M Rolfs, K Göllner, R Kliegl, AM Jacobs
PLoS One 4 (3), e5047, 2009
Synchronizing timelines: Relations between fixation durations and N400 amplitudes during sentence reading
M Dambacher, R Kliegl
Brain Research 1155, 147-162, 2007
Stimulus onset asynchrony and the timeline of word recognition: Event-related potentials during sentence reading
M Dambacher, O Dimigen, M Braun, K Wille, AM Jacobs, R Kliegl
Neuropsychologia 50 (8), 1852-1870, 2012
Time pressure affects the efficiency of perceptual processing in decisions under conflict
M Dambacher, R Hübner
Psychological Research 79, 83-94, 2015
The benefit of no choice: Goal-directed plans enhance perceptual processing
M Janczyk, M Dambacher, M Bieleke, PM Gollwitzer
Psychological Research 79, 206-220, 2015
Eye movements and brain electric potentials during reading
R Kliegl, M Dambacher, O Dimigen, AM Jacobs, W Sommer
Psychological Research 76, 145-158, 2012
The neural bases of the pseudohomophone effect: phonological constraints on lexico-semantic access in reading
M Braun, F Hutzler, TF Münte, M Rotte, M Dambacher, F Richlan, ...
Neuroscience 295, 151-163, 2015
Bottom-up and top-down processes in reading: Influences of frequency and predictability on event-related potentials and eye movements
M Dambacher
Universitätsverlag Potsdam, 2010
Bottom-up and top-down processes in reading
M Dambacher
Universität Potsdam, 2009
Monetary incentives in speeded perceptual decision: Effects of penalizing errors versus slow responses
M Dambacher, R Hübner, J Schlösser
Frontiers in Psychology 2, 248, 2011
Occipital and orbitofrontal hemodynamics during naturally paced reading: An fNIRS study
MJ Hofmann, M Dambacher, AM Jacobs, R Kliegl, R Radach, L Kuchinke, ...
NeuroImage 94, 193-202, 2014
Why free choices take longer than forced choices: Evidence from response threshold manipulations
C Naefgen, M Dambacher, M Janczyk
Psychological Research 82, 1039-1052, 2018
Graphs versus numbers: How information format affects risk aversion in gambling
M Dambacher, P Haffke, D Groß, R Hübner
Judgment and Decision Making 11 (3), 223-242, 2016
Evidence for direct control of eye movements during reading
M Dambacher, TJ Slattery, J Yang, R Kliegl, K Rayner
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 39 (5 …, 2013
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Articles 1–20