Jonathan Aitchison
Jonathan Aitchison
School of the Environment, University of Queensland
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When and where did India and Asia collide?
JC Aitchison, JR Ali, AM Davis
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 112 (B05423), DOI 10.1029 …, 2007
Gondwana to Asia: Plate tectonics, paleogeography and the biological connectivity of the Indian sub-continent from the Middle Jurassic through latest Eocene (166–35 Ma)
JR Ali, JC Aitchison
Earth-Science Reviews 88 (3-4), 145-166, 2008
Remnants of a Cretaceous intra-oceanic subduction system within the Yarlung–Zangbo suture (southern Tibet)
JC Aitchison, Badengzhu, AM Davis, J Liu, H Luo, JG Malpas, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 183 (1), 231-244, 2000
Tectonic accretion and underplating of mafic terranes in the late Eocene intraoceanic fore-arc of New Caledonia (Southwest Pacific): geodynamic implications
D Cluzel, JC Aitchison, C Picard
Tectonophysics 340 (1/2), 23-59, 2001
Eocene arc-continent collision in New Caledonia and implications for regional southwest Pacific tectonic evolution
JC Aitchison, GL Clarke, S Meffre, D Cluzel
Geology 23 (2), 161-164, 1995
The Zedong terrane: a Late Jurassic intra-oceanic magmatic arc within the Yarlung–Tsangpo suture zone, southeastern Tibet
IRC McDermid, JC Aitchison, AM Davis, TM Harrison, M Grove
Chemical Geology 187 (3-4), 267-277, 2002
Greater India
JR Ali, JC Aitchison
Earth-Science Reviews 72 (3-4), 169-188, 2005
Tectonic evolution of Palaeozoic terranes in West Junggar, Xinjiang, NW China
S Buckman, JC Aitchison
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 226, 101-130, 2004
Detrital zircon U–Pb ages along the Yarlung-Tsangpo suture zone, Tibet: Implications for oblique convergence and collision between India and Asia
JC Aitchison, X Xia, AT Baxter, JR Ali
Gondwana Research 20 (4), 691-709, 2011
Radiolarian age constraints on Mesotethyan ocean evolution, and their implications for development of the Bangong–Nujiang suture, Tibet
AT Baxter, JC Aitchison, SV Zyabrev
Journal of the Geological Society 166 (4), 689-694, 2009
Eclogites and blueschists of the Pam Peninsula, NE New Caledonia: a reappraisal
GL Clarke, JC Aitchison, D Cluzel
Journal of Petrology 38 (7), 843-876, 1997
Bacterial community composition in thermophilic microbial mats from five hot springs in central Tibet
MCY Lau, JC Aitchison, SB Pointing
Extremophiles 13, 139-149, 2009
Precise radiolarian age constraints on the timing of ophiolite generation and sedimentation in the Dazhuqu terrane, Yarlung–Tsangpo suture zone, Tibet
SV Ziabrev, JC Aitchison, AV Abrajevitch, Badengzhu, AM Davis, H Luo
Journal of the Geological Society 160 (4), 591-599, 2003
Hualong Complex, South Qilian terrane: U-Pb and Lu-Hf constraints on Neoproterozoic micro-continental fragments accreted to the northern Proto-Tethyan margin
Z Yan, JC Aitchison, CL Fu, XQ Guo, ML Niu, WJ Xia, ZQ Wang, JL Li
Precambrian Research 266, 65-85, 2015
Geochemistry and geochronology of the amphibolite blocks in ophiolitic mélanges along Bangong-Nujiang suture, central Tibet
WL Wang, JC Aitchison, CH Lo, QG Zeng
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 33 (1-2), 122-138, 2008
New constraints on the India–Asia collision: the lower Miocene Gangrinboche conglomerates, Yarlung Tsangpo suture zone, SE Tibet
JC Aitchison, AM Davis, Badengzhu, H Luo
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 21 (3), 251-263, 2002
Geochemical evolution and tectonic significance of boninites and tholeiites from the Koh ophiolite, New Caledonia
S Meffre, JC Aitchison, AJ Crawford
Tectonics 15 (1), 67-83, 1996
Exploring the combined role of eustasy and oceanic island thermal subsidence in shaping biodiversity on the Galápagos
JR Ali, JC Aitchison
Journal of Biogeography 41, 1227-1241, 2014
Melt/mantle interaction and melt evolution in the Sartohay high-Al chromite deposits of the Dalabute ophiolite (NW China)
MF Zhou, PT Robinson, J Malpas, J Aitchison, M Sun, WJ Bai, XF Hu, ...
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 19 (4), 517-534, 2001
Paleogene island arc collision-related conglomerates, Yarlung–Tsangpo suture zone, Tibet
AM Davis, JC Aitchison, Badengzhu, H Luo, S Zyabrev
Sedimentary Geology 150 (3), 247-273, 2002
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Articles 1–20