Wen Tang
Cited by
Cited by
Recent Developments and Future Challenges in Medical Mixed Reality
NWJ Long Chen, Thomas W Day, Wen Tang
The 16th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 2017
SLAM-based dense surface reconstruction in monocular minimally invasive surgery and its application to augmented reality
L Chen, W Tang, NW John, TR Wan, JJ Zhang
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 158, 135-146, 2018
A stable and real-time nonlinear elastic approach to simulating guidewire and catheter insertions based on cosserat rod
W Tang, TR Wan, DA Gould, T How, NW John
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 59 (8), 2211-2218, 2012
A realistic elastic rod model for real-time simulation of minimally invasive vascular interventions
W Tang, P Lagadec, D Gould, TR Wan, J Zhai, T How
The Visual Computer 26, 1157-1165, 2010
Modelling and animating cartoon hair with nurbs surfaces
P Noble, W Tang
Proceedings Computer Graphics International, 2004., 60-67, 2004
A Stable and Accurate Marker-less Augmented Reality Registration Method
QH Gao, TR Wan, W Tang, L Chen
2017 International Conference on CYBERWORLDS, Chester, UK, 20 Sep 2017 - 22 …, 2017
Tools for evaluating the content, efficacy, and usability of mobile health apps according to the consensus-based standards for the selection of health measurement instruments …
A Muro-Culebras, A Escriche-Escuder, J Martin-Martin, ...
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 9 (12), e15433, 2021
Behaviour based motion simulation for fire evacuation procedures
H Li, W Tang, D Simpson
Proceedings Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics, 2004., 112-118, 2004
Context‐Aware Mixed Reality: A Learning‐Based Framework for Semantic‐Level Interaction
L Chen, W Tang, NW John, TR Wan, JJ Zhang
Computer Graphics Forum 39 (1), 484-496, 2020
Real-time Geometry-Aware Augmented Reality in Minimally Invasive Surgery
L Chen, W Tang, NW John
the IET’s HealthCare Technology Letters Journal, 2017
Constrained Soft Tissue Simulation for Virtual Surgical Simulation
W Tang, TR Wan
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 61 (11), 2014
Virtual reality safety training using deep EEG-net and physiology data
D Huang, X Wang, J Liu, J Li, W Tang
The visual computer 38 (4), 1195-1207, 2022
Assessment of the quality of mobile applications (apps) for management of low back pain using the mobile app rating scale (MARS)
A Escriche-Escuder, I De-Torres, C Roldán-Jiménez, J Martín-Martín, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (24), 9209, 2020
De-smokeGCN: generative cooperative networks for joint surgical smoke detection and removal
L Chen, W Tang, NW John, TR Wan, JJ Zhang
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 39 (5), 1615-1625, 2019
Self-supervised monocular image depth learning and confidence estimation
L Chen, W Tang, TR Wan, NW John
Neurocomputing 381, 272-281, 2020
Behavior change techniques and the effects associated with digital behavior change interventions in sedentary behavior in the clinical population: a systematic review
J Martín-Martín, C Roldán-Jiménez, I De-Torres, A Muro-Culebras, ...
Frontiers in Digital Health 3, 620383, 2021
Object registration in semi-cluttered and partial-occluded scenes for augmented reality
QH Gao, TR Wan, W Tang, L Chen
Multimedia Tools and Applications 78, 15079-15099, 2019
Recovering dense 3D point clouds from single endoscopic image
L Xi, Y Zhao, L Chen, QH Gao, W Tang, TR Wan, T Xue
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 205, 106077, 2021
Structured analysis dictionary learning for image classification
W Tang, A Panahi, H Krim, L Dai
2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2018
A constrained inverse kinematics technique for real-time motion capture animation
W Tang, M Cavazza, D Mountain, R Earnshaw
The Visual Computer 15, 413-425, 1999
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Articles 1–20