Raymond Langley
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Cited by
Carrier testing for severe childhood recessive diseases by next-generation sequencing
CJ Bell, DL Dinwiddie, NA Miller, SL Hateley, EE Ganusova, J Mudge, ...
Science translational medicine 3 (65), 65ra4-65ra4, 2011
An integrated clinico-metabolomic model improves prediction of death in sepsis
RJ Langley, EL Tsalik, JC Velkinburgh, SW Glickman, BJ Rice, C Wang, ...
Science translational medicine 5 (195), 195ra95-195ra95, 2013
An integrated transcriptome atlas of the crop model Glycine max, and its use in comparative analyses in plants
M Libault, A Farmer, T Joshi, K Takahashi, RJ Langley, LD Franklin, J He, ...
The Plant Journal 63 (1), 86-99, 2010
Complete Transcriptome of the Soybean Root Hair Cell, a Single-Cell Model, and Its Alteration in Response to Bradyrhizobium japonicum Infection
M Libault, A Farmer, L Brechenmacher, J Drnevich, RJ Langley, DD Bilgin, ...
Plant physiology 152 (2), 541-552, 2010
Unsupervised analysis of transcriptomics in bacterial sepsis across multiple datasets reveals three robust clusters
TE Sweeney, TD Azad, M Donato, WA Haynes, TM Perumal, R Henao, ...
Critical care medicine 46 (6), 915-925, 2018
Host gene expression classifiers diagnose acute respiratory illness etiology
EL Tsalik, R Henao, M Nichols, T Burke, ER Ko, MT McClain, LL Hudson, ...
Science translational medicine 8 (322), 322ra11-322ra11, 2016
Discriminative value of inflammatory biomarkers for suspected sepsis
EL Tsalik, LB Jaggers, SW Glickman, RJ Langley, JC Van Velkinburgh, ...
The Journal of emergency medicine 43 (1), 97-106, 2012
T cells express α7-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunits that require a functional TCR and leukocyte-specific protein tyrosine kinase for nicotine-induced Ca2+ response
S Razani-Boroujerdi, RT Boyd, MI Dávila-García, JS Nandi, NC Mishra, ...
The Journal of Immunology 179 (5), 2889-2898, 2007
A community approach to mortality prediction in sepsis via gene expression analysis
TE Sweeney, TM Perumal, R Henao, M Nichols, JA Howrylak, AM Choi, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 694, 2018
Metabolomic derangements are associated with mortality in critically ill adult patients
AJ Rogers, M McGeachie, RM Baron, L Gazourian, JA Haspel, ...
PloS one 9 (1), e87538, 2014
Multiplex PCR to diagnose bloodstream infections in patients admitted from the emergency department with sepsis
EL Tsalik, D Jones, B Nicholson, L Waring, O Liesenfeld, LP Park, ...
Journal of clinical microbiology 48 (1), 26-33, 2010
Disease progression in hemodynamically stable patients presenting to the emergency department with sepsis
SW Glickman, CB Cairns, RM Otero, CW Woods, EL Tsalik, RJ Langley, ...
Academic Emergency Medicine 17 (4), 383-390, 2010
Meiosis-specific gene discovery in plants: RNA-Seq applied to isolated Arabidopsis male meiocytes
C Chen, AD Farmer, RJ Langley, J Mudge, JA Crow, GD May, J Huntley, ...
BMC plant biology 10, 1-14, 2010
Genomic convergence analysis of schizophrenia: mRNA sequencing reveals altered synaptic vesicular transport in post-mortem cerebellum
J Mudge, NA Miller, I Khrebtukova, IE Lindquist, GD May, JJ Huntley, ...
PloS one 3 (11), e3625, 2008
Immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory effects of nicotine administered by patch in an animal model
R Kalra, SP Singh, JC Pena-Philippides, RJ Langley, ...
Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 11 (3), 563-568, 2004
Integrative “omic” analysis of experimental bacteremia identifies a metabolic signature that distinguishes human sepsis from systemic inflammatory response syndromes
RJ Langley, JL Tipper, S Bruse, RM Baron, EL Tsalik, J Huntley, ...
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 190 (4), 445-455, 2014
Prenatal cigarette smoke decreases lung cAMP and increases airway hyperresponsiveness
SP Singh, EG Barrett, R Kalra, S Razani-Boroujerdi, RJ Langley, V Kurup, ...
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 168 (3), 342-347, 2003
Nicotine primarily suppresses lung Th2 but not goblet cell and muscle cell responses to allergens
NC Mishra, J Rir-Sima-Ah, RJ Langley, SP Singh, JC Peña-Philippides, ...
The Journal of Immunology 180 (11), 7655-7663, 2008
An integrated transcriptome and expressed variant analysis of sepsis survival and death
EL Tsalik, RJ Langley, DL Dinwiddie, NA Miller, B Yoo, ...
Genome medicine 6, 1-15, 2014
Chronic nicotine inhibits inflammation and promotes influenza infection
S Razani-Boroujerdi, SP Singh, C Knall, FF Hahn, JC Peņa-Philippides, ...
Cellular immunology 230 (1), 1-9, 2004
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