Cheng-Hao Kuo
Cheng-Hao Kuo
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Multi-target tracking by on-line learned discriminative appearance models
CH Kuo, C Huang, R Nevatia
2010 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2010
How does person identity recognition help multi-person tracking?
CH Kuo, R Nevatia
CVPR 2011, 1217-1224, 2011
Joint learning for attribute-consistent person re-identification
S Khamis, CH Kuo, VK Singh, VD Shet, LS Davis
Computer Vision-ECCV 2014 Workshops: Zurich, Switzerland, September 6-7 and …, 2015
Method and user interface for forensic video search
VD Shet, XS Zheng, A Hutter, X Gao, CH Kuo
US Patent 9,269,243, 2016
Inter-camera association of multi-target tracks by on-line learned appearance affinity models
CH Kuo, C Huang, R Nevatia
Computer Vision–ECCV 2010: 11th European Conference on Computer Vision …, 2010
Person re-identification using semantic color names and rankboost
CH Kuo, S Khamis, V Shet
2013 IEEE workshop on applications of computer vision (WACV), 281-287, 2013
Identifying noncooperative subjects at a distance using face images and inferred three-dimensional face models
G Medioni, J Choi, CH Kuo, D Fidaleo
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and …, 2008
Robust multi-view car detection using unsupervised sub-categorization
CH Kuo, R Nevatia
2009 Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 1-8, 2009
Marginal space learning for multi-person tracking over mega pixel imagery
VD Shet, D Comaniciu, S Mittal, P Meer, CH Kuo
US Patent 9,117,147, 2015
User identification based on voice and face
WE Welbourne, RD Roessler, CH Kuo, JO Thomas, PA Savastinuk, ...
US Patent 10,178,301, 2019
MEBOW: Monocular estimation of body orientation in the wild
C Wu, Y Chen, J Luo, CC Su, A Dawane, B Hanzra, Z Deng, B Liu, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2020
Content-based zooming and panning for video curation
Y Yang, WE Welbourne, RD Roessler, PA Savastinuk, CH Kuo, ...
US Patent 9,973,711, 2018
User identification based on voice and face
WE Welbourne, RD Roessler, CH Kuo, JO Thomas, PA Savastinuk, ...
US Patent 11,172,122, 2021
Machine-learnt person re-identification
CH Kuo, VD Shet, S Khamis
US Patent 9,396,412, 2016
Remote immersive user experience from panoramic video
JO Thomas, PA Savastinuk, CH Kuo, TH Yu, RD Roessler, WE Welbourne, ...
US Patent 10,277,813, 2019
Object detection and tracking
CH Kuo, JO Thomas, T Ma, SV Mangiat, SS Mehta, A Tyagi, AK Agrawal, ...
US Patent 9,729,865, 2017
Non-cooperative persons identification at a distance with 3D face modeling
G Medioni, J Choi, CH Kuo, A Choudhury, L Zhang, D Fidaleo
2007 First IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications …, 2007
Reclip: Refine contrastive language image pre-training with source free domain adaptation
X Hu, K Zhang, L Xia, A Chen, J Luo, Y Sun, K Wang, N Qiao, X Zeng, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer …, 2024
Primary user selection for head tracking
CH Kuo, JO Thomas, T Ma, SV Mangiat, SS Mehta, A Tyagi, AK Agrawal, ...
US Patent 10,027,883, 2018
Object identification through stereo association
CH Kuo, JO Thomas, T Ma, SV Mangiat, SS Mehta, A Tyagi, AK Agrawal, ...
US Patent 9,298,974, 2016
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Articles 1–20