Alexis R. Santos
Alexis R. Santos
Other namesAlexis R. Santos-Lozada
Associate Professor of HDFS and Demography @ Penn State
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Cited by
Re-examination of a Battlefield Trauma Golden Hour Policy.
ZT Howard, Jeffrey T., Kotwal, Russ S., Santos, Alexis R., Martin, Matthew J ...
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 2017
Use of death counts from vital statistics to calculate excess deaths in Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria
AR Santos-Lozada, JT Howard
Jama 320 (14), 1491-1493, 2018
How differential privacy will affect our understanding of health disparities in the United States
AR Santos-Lozada, JT Howard, AM Verdery
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 2020
Differential privacy in the 2020 census will distort COVID-19 rates
ME Hauer, AR Santos-Lozada
Socius 7, 2378023121994014, 2021
A longitudinal analysis of the relationship between housing insecurity and physical health among midlife and aging adults in the United States
AC Bhat, DM Almeida, A Fenelon, AR Santos-Lozada
SSM-Population Health, 2022
Puerto Rico exodus: long-term economic headwinds prove stronger than Hurricane Maria
AR Santos-Lozada, M Kaneshiro, C McCarter, M Marazzi-Santiago
Population and Environment, 2020
Inaction on Climate Change Projected to Reduce European Life Expectancy
M Hauer, AR Santos-Lozada
Population Research and Policy Review, 2020
Socioeconomic status trajectories across the life course, daily discrimination, and inflammation among Black and white adults
A Surachman, AIC Jenkins, AR Santos, DM Almeida
Psychoneuroendocrinology 127, 105193, 2021
How Have You Been? or ¿Como estás?: Does Language of Interview Influences Self-Rated Health Among Hispanic Subgroups?
AR Santos-Lozada, MJ Martinez
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 1-10, 2017
Aging and the Left Behind: Puerto Rico and its Unconventional Rapid Aging
A Matos-Moreno, AM Verdery, CF Mendes de Leon, VM De Jesús-Monge, ...
The Gerontologist, 2022
Burn patient acuity demographics, scar contractures, and rehabilitation treatment time related to patient outcomes: the ACT study
R Richard, AR Santos-Lozada
Journal of Burn Care & Research 38 (4), 230-242, 2017
Burn Hand or Finger Goniometric Measurements: Sum of the Isolated Parts and the Composite Whole
R Richard, IS Parry, A Santos, WS Dewey
Journal of Burn Care and Research, 1-6, 2017
Estimates of excess deaths in Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria
AR Santos-Lozada, JT Howard
SocArxiv, 2017
Educational attainment and psychological distress among working-age adults in the United States
IG Muñoz, AR Santos-Lozada
SSM-Mental Health 1, 100003, 2021
Profile of Patients Without Burn Scar Contracture Development
R Richard, AR Santos-Lozada, WS Dewey, KK Chung
Journal of Burn Care and Research 38 (1), e62-e69, 2017
The 2020 US Census Differential Privacy Method Introduces Disproportionate Discrepancies for Rural and Non‑White Populations
JT Mueller, AR Santos-Lozada
Population Research and Policy Review, 2022
Self-Rated Mental Health and race/ethnicity in the United States: support for the Epidemiological Paradox
AR Santos-Lozada
PeerJ, 2016
Migration is the Driving Force of Rapid Aging in Puerto Rico: A Research Brief
A Matos-Moreno, AR Santos-Lozada, N Mehta, CF Mendes de Leon, ...
Population Research and Policy Review, 2021
Trends in Mortality Among Pregnant and Recently Pregnant Women in the US, 2015-2019
JT Howard, CC Sparks, AR Santos-Lozada, SA Olowolaju, JC Janak, ...
Journal of the American Medical Association 326 (16), 1631-1633, 2021
Opioid and stimulant attributed treatment admissions and fatal overdoses: using national surveillance data to examine the intersection of race, sex, and polysubstance use, 1992 …
AA Jones, RD Shearer, JE Segel, A Santos-Lozada, S Strong-Jones, ...
Drug and alcohol dependence 249, 109946, 2023
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Articles 1–20