Rashmi B S
Rashmi B S
Assistant Professor, DoS & R in Information Technology, Karnataka State Open University, Mysuru.
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Cited by
Video shot boundary detection using block based cumulative approach
BS Rashmi, HS Nagendraswamy
Multimedia Tools and Applications 80 (1), 641-664, 2021
Shot based keyframe extraction using edge-LBP approach
HM Nandini, HK Chethan, BS Rashmi
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 34 (7 …, 2022
Factors affecting truck driver behavior on a road safety context: A critical systematic review of the evidence
BS Rashmi, S Marisamynathan
Journal of traffic and transportation engineering (English edition), 2023
Effective video shot boundary detection and keyframe selection using soft computing techniques
BS Rashmi, HS Nagendraswamy
International Journal of Computer Vision and Image Processing (IJCVIP) 8 (2 …, 2018
Video shot boundary detection using midrange local binary pattern
BS Rashmi, HS Nagendraswamy
2016 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and …, 2016
Abrupt shot detection in video using weighted edge information
BS Rashmi, HS Nagendraswamy
Proceedings of the International Conference on Informatics and Analytics, 1-5, 2016
Shot-based keyframe extraction using bitwise-XOR dissimilarity approach
BS Rashmi, HS Nagendraswamy
In International Conference on Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern …, 2016
Prediction and exploration of contributory factors related to fatigue driving among long-haul truck drivers traveling across India: a tree-based machine learning approach
BS Rashmi, S Marisamynathan
Journal of Transport & Health 32, 101671, 2023
An efficient method for video shot transition detection using probability binary weight approach
HM Nandini, HK Chethan, BS Rashmi
International Journal of Computer Vision and Image Processing (IJCVIP) 11 (3 …, 2021
Investigating the contributory factors influencing speeding behavior among long-haul truck drivers traveling across India: Insights from binary logit and machine learning …
BS Rashmi, S Marisamynathan
International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, 2024
An investigation of relationships between aberrant driving behavior and crash risk among long-haul truck drivers traveling across India: A Structural Equation Modeling approach
BS Rashmi, S Marisamynathan
Journal of Transport & Health 38, 101871, 2024
Video Shot Retrieval Using Multi-feature Approach
HM Nandini, HK Chethan, BS Rashmi
IOT with Smart Systems: Proceedings of ICTIS 2021, Volume 2, 297-305, 2022
Keyframe extraction using sobel fuzzified weighted approach
HM Nandini, HK Chethan, BS Rashmi
International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, 236-246, 2020
International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology
BS Rashmi, S Marisamynathan
An Efficient Method for Video Shot Transition Detection Using Probability Binary Weight Approach
BS Rashmi, B Sundar, AK Ashokan, N Lingam, P Verma, VK Awasthi
International Journal of Computer Vision 11 (3), 2021
Abrupt Shot Change Detection using Midhinge Local Binary Pattern
HM Nandini, HK Chethan, BS Rashmi
2020 IEEE-HYDCON, 1-5, 2020
Entropy Based Feature Selection for Lacunarity Analysis of Position Specific Motif Matrices of Promoter Sequences
K Kouser, BS Rashmi, L Rangarajan
Proceedings of the International Conference on Informatics and Analytics, 1-6, 2016
SV Halse, A Kamble, BS Rashmi, HA Sanjay, A Rao, HM Nandini
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Articles 1–18