Ralph Deters
Cited by
Cited by
Blockchain as a Service for IoT
M Samaniego, U Jamsrandorj, R Deters
2016 IEEE international conference on internet of things (iThings) and IEEE …, 2016
Automatic detection of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in X-ray and CT images: a machine learning based approach
SH Kassania, PH Kassanib, MJ Wesolowskic, KA Schneidera, R Detersa
Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 41 (3), 867-879, 2021
Security, performance, and applications of smart contracts: A systematic survey
S Rouhani, R Deters
IEEE Access 7, 50759-50779, 2019
Performance analysis of ethereum transactions in private blockchain
S Rouhani, R Deters
2017 8th IEEE international conference on software engineering and service …, 2017
Dynamic courseware generation on the WWW
J Vassileva, R Deters
British Journal of Educational Technology 29 (1), 5-14, 1998
Diabetic retinopathy classification using a modified xception architecture
SH Kassani, PH Kassani, R Khazaeinezhad, MJ Wesolowski, ...
2019 IEEE international symposium on signal processing and information …, 2019
Improving fault-tolerance by replicating agents
A Fedoruk, R Deters
Proceedings of the first international joint conference on Autonomous agents …, 2002
Maximizing cloud providers' revenues via energy aware allocation policies
M Mazzucco, D Dyachuk, R Deters
2010 IEEE 3rd international conference on cloud computing, 131-138, 2010
Classification of histopathological biopsy images using ensemble of deep learning networks
SH Kassani, PH Kassani, MJ Wesolowski, KA Schneider, R Deters
arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.11870, 2019
Hosting virtual iot resources on edge-hosts with blockchain
M Samaniego, R Deters
2016 IEEE International conference on computer and information technology …, 2016
Zero-trust hierarchical management in IoT
M Samaniego, R Deters
2018 IEEE international congress on Internet of Things (ICIOT), 88-95, 2018
Internet of smart things-iost: Using blockchain and clips to make things autonomous
M Samaniego, R Deters
2017 IEEE international conference on cognitive computing (ICCC), 9-16, 2017
A multi-agent approach to the design of peer-help environments
J Vassileva, J Greer, G McCalla, R Deters, D Zapata, C Mudgal, S Grant
Proceedings of AIED 99, 38-45, 1999
Using blockchain to push software-defined IoT components onto edge hosts
M Samaniego, R Deters
Proceedings of the international conference on big data and advanced …, 2016
Lessons learned in deploying a multi-agent learning support system: The I-Help experience
J Greer, G McCalla, J Vassileva, R Deters, S Bull, L Kettel
Proceedings of AI in Education AIED 1, 410-421, 2001
Blockchain based access control systems: State of the art and challenges
S Rouhani, R Deters
IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, 423-428, 2019
Selecting the best web service
J Day, R Deters
Proceedings of the 2004 conference of the Centre for Advanced Studies on …, 2004
MediChainTM: A Secure Decentralized Medical Data Asset Management System
S Rouhani, L Butterworth, AD Simmons, DG Humphery, R Deters
2018 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE …, 2018
Breast cancer diagnosis with transfer learning and global pooling
SH Kassani, PH Kassani, MJ Wesolowski, KA Schneider, R Deters
2019 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology …, 2019
The costs of using JXTA
E Halepovic, R Deters
Proceedings Third International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing …, 2003
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Articles 1–20