Laila Wahedi
Laila Wahedi
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Cited by
Blending noisy social media signals with traditional movement variables to predict forced migration
L Singh, L Wahedi, Y Wang, Y Wei, C Kirov, S Martin, K Donato, Y Liu, ...
Proceedings of the 25th acm sigkdd international conference on knowledge …, 2019
Disrupting hate: The effect of deplatforming hate organizations on their online audience
DR Thomas, LA Wahedi
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (24), e2214080120, 2023
Improving Government Response to Citizen Requests Online
G Gaut, A Navarrete, L Wahedi, P van der Boor, A De Unánue, J Díaz, ...
Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGCAS Conference on Computing and Sustainable …, 2018
Dynamic model of displacement
S Martin, L Singh, A Taylor, L Wahedi
PsyArXiv, 2021
Active-reserve force cost model
S Horowitz, S McGee, L Roark, L Wahedi
D-5057. Alexandria, VA: Institute for Defense Analyses, 2015
Stochastic Active-Reserve Assessment (SARA) Model: Force Planning Under Uncertainty
CM Doyle, NM Huff, L Wahedi, J Bracken, JR Brinkerhoff, DR Graham, ...
Institute for Defense Analyses, 2022
Active-Reserve Force Cost Model
SK McGee, LM Roark, LA Wahedi, SA Horowitz
Institute for Defense Analyses, 2022
A Novel Approach to Participant-Level Influence Calculation in Viral Cascades
N Hagar, L Wahedi, E Dunford
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.12874, 2023
Analyses for the National Commission on the Structure of the Air Force (Presentation)
CM Doyle, SA Horowitz, NM Huff, LA Wahedi
Institute for Defense Analyses., 2022
Fuel Price Effects on Readiness
TP Frazier, JW Bailey, NM Huff, SK McGee, S Rajaram, LA Wahedi, ...
Institute for Defense Analyses., 2022
Volatile Years: transnational terrorism in 2027
S Markiewicz, A Bhatnagar, ED Lux, Y Ma, M Manome, F Sun, LA Wahedi
GPPI, 2017
Bitter Friends: How Relationships Between Violent Non-State Actors Form, Are Used, and Shape Behavior
LA Wahedi
Georgetown University, 2017
Commission on the Structure of the Air Force (Presentation)
CM Doyle, SA Horowitz, NM Huff, LA Wahedi
The Toppler Effect: irregular leader transitions and the rate of state failure recovery
LA Wahedi
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2011
Meso: A Structure for Networked Governance
L Wahedi, A Waldman-Brown, S Aldukheil
Fuel Price Effects on Readiness
JW Bailey, NMV Huff, SK McGee, S Rajaram, LA Wahedi
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Articles 1–16