Ali Khosravani
Ali Khosravani
Mutltiscale Technologies
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Nucleation and propagation of {101 2} twins in AZ31 magnesium alloy
A Khosravani, DT Fullwood, BL Adams, TM Rampton, MP Miles, ...
Acta Materialia 100, 202-214, 2015
Development of high throughput assays for establishing process-structure-property linkages in multiphase polycrystalline metals: Application to dual-phase steels
A Khosravani, A Cecen, SR Kalidindi
Acta Materialia 123, 55-69, 2017
Twinning in magnesium alloy AZ31B under different strain paths at moderately elevated temperatures
A Khosravani, J Scott, MP Miles, D Fullwood, BL Adams, RK Mishra
International Journal of Plasticity 45, 160-173, 2013
The effect of length scale on the determination of geometrically necessary dislocations via EBSD continuum dislocation microscopy
TJ Ruggles, TM Rampton, A Khosravani, DT Fullwood
Ultramicroscopy 164, 1-10, 2016
High throughput exploration of process-property linkages in Al-6061 using instrumented spherical microindentation and microstructurally graded samples
JS Weaver, A Khosravani, A Castillo, SR Kalidindi
Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation 5, 192-211, 2016
Carbon stoichiometry and mechanical properties of high entropy carbides
MD Hossain, T Borman, A Kumar, X Chen, A Khosravani, SR Kalidindi, ...
Acta Materialia 215, 117051, 2021
Insights into twinning in Mg AZ31: A combined EBSD and machine learning study
RKM Andrew D. Orme, Isaac Chelladurai, Travis M. Rampton, David T. Fullwood ...
Computational Materials Science 124, 353-363, 2016
Room temperature shear band development in highly twinned wrought magnesium AZ31B sheet
J Scott, M Miles, D Fullwood, B Adams, A Khosravani, RK Mishra
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 44, 512-516, 2013
Effect of rolling strain on transformation induced plasticity of austenite to martensite in a high-alloy austenitic steel
MB Karimi, H Arabi, A Khosravani, J Samei
journal of materials processing technology 203 (1-3), 349-354, 2008
Correlation of Measured Load-Displacement Curves in Small Punch Tests with Tensile Stress-Strain Curves
Nicolas Leclerc, Ali Khosravani, Sepideh Hashemi, Daniel B Miracle, Surya R ...
Acta Materialia 204, 116501, 2020
Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of semisolid stir welded zinc AG40A die cast alloy
A Narimannezhad, H Aashuri, AH Kokabi, A Khosravani
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 209 (8), 4112-4121, 2009
Multiresolution mechanical characterization of hierarchical materials: Spherical nanoindentation on martensitic Fe-Ni-C steels
A Khosravani, L Morsdorf, CC Tasan, SR Kalidindi
Acta Materialia 153, 257-269, 2018
Liquid segregation behavior of semi-solid AZ91 alloy during back extrusion test
A Khosravani, H Aashuri, P Davami, A Narimannezhad, R Hadian
Journal of alloys and compounds 477 (1-2), 822-827, 2009
New insights into the microstructural changes during the processing of dual-phase steels from multiresolution spherical indentation stress–strain protocols
A Khosravani, CM Caliendo, SR Kalidindi
Metals 10 (1), 18, 2019
Data infrastructure elements in support of accelerated materials innovation: ELA, PyMKS, and MATIN
SR Kalidindi, A Khosravani, B Yucel, A Shanker, AL Blekh
Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation 8, 441-454, 2019
Microstructure detail extraction via EBSD: An overview
D Fullwood, B Adams, J Basinger, T Ruggles, A Khosravani, C Sorensen, ...
Strain and dislocation gradients from diffraction: Spatially-resolved local …, 2014
High-throughput exploration of the process space in 18% Ni (350) maraging steels via spherical indentation stress–strain protocols and Gaussian process models
S Parvinian, YC Yabansu, A Khosravani, H Garmestani, SR Kalidindi
Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation 9, 199-212, 2020
Room temperature ductility and microstructure of magnesium AZ31B sheet
MP Miles, D Fullwood, BL Adams, A Khosravani, J Scott, RK Mishra
Journal of materials engineering and performance 20, 1357-1363, 2011
Semisolid joining of zinc AG40A alloy by partial remelting and mechanical stirring
A Narimannezhad, H Aashuri, AH Kokabi, A Khosravani, M Kiani, ...
Solid State Phenomena 141, 225-230, 2008
Microstructure Quantification and Multiresolution Mechanical Characterization of Ti-Based Bulk Metallic Glass-Matrix Composite
A Khosravani, N Thadhani, SR Kalidindi
JOM, The Journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) 201, 2021
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Articles 1–20