Pietro Palladino
Pietro Palladino
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Visual analysis of large graphs using (x, y)-clustering and hybrid visualizations
V Batagelj, FJ Brandenburg, W Didimo, G Liotta, P Palladino, ...
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 17 (11), 1587-1598, 2010
An advanced network visualization system for financial crime detection
W Didimo, G Liotta, F Montecchiani, P Palladino
2011 IEEE Pacific visualization symposium, 203-210, 2011
Privacy impact assessment in the design of transnational public health information systems: the BIRO project
CT Di Iorio, F Carinci, J Azzopardi, V Baglioni, P Beck, S Cunningham, ...
Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (12), 753-761, 2009
Drawing trees in a streaming model
C Binucci, U Brandes, G Di Battista, W Didimo, M Gaertler, P Palladino, ...
Information Processing Letters 112 (11), 418-422, 2012
Homothetic Triangle Contact Representations of Planar Graphs.
M Badent, C Binucci, E Di Giacomo, W Didimo, S Felsner, F Giordano, ...
CCCG, 233-236, 2007
Regulation of Anopheles gambiae male accessory gland genes influences postmating response in female
T Dottorini, T Persampieri, P Palladino, DA Baker, R Spaccapelo, N Senin, ...
The FASEB Journal 27 (1), 86-97, 2013
Kin of coauthorship in five decades of health science literature
M Prosperi, I Buchan, I Fanti, S Meloni, P Palladino, VI Torvik
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (32), 8957-8962, 2016
Visual analysis of one-to-many matched graphs
E Di Giacomo, W Didimo, G Liotta, P Palladino
Graph Drawing: 16th International Symposium, GD 2008, Heraklion, Crete …, 2009
The homogeneous characterisation of Ariel host stars
C Danielski, A Brucalassi, S Benatti, T Campante, E Delgado-Mena, ...
Experimental Astronomy, 1-38, 2022
Silencing of the Hsf gene, the transcriptional regulator of A. gambiae male accessory glands, inhibits the formation of the mating plug in mated females and disrupts their …
T Dottorini, T Persampieri, P Palladino, R Spaccapelo, A Crisanti
Pathogens and global health 106 (7), 405-412, 2012
CluGene: a bioinformatics framework for the identification of co-localized, co-expressed and co-regulated genes aimed at the investigation of transcriptional regulatory …
T Dottorini, P Palladino, N Senin, T Persampieri, R Spaccapelo, A Crisanti
PLoS One 8 (6), e66196, 2013
Visual analysis of financial crimes: [system paper]
E Di Giacomo, W Didimo, G Liotta, P Palladino
Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces …, 2010
Whatsonweb+: An enhanced visual search clustering engine
E Di Giacomo, W Didimo, L Grilli, G Liotta, P Palladino
2008 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium, 167-174, 2008
Collapsing k-cliques to get a planar graph is NP-complete
V Batagelj, FJ Brandenburg, W Didimo, G Liotta, P Palladino, ...
Tech. Rep. RT-DIA-174-2010, Dept. of Computer Science and Automation, Roma …, 2010
Submission PDF
MCF Prosperi, IE Buchan, I Fanti, S Meloni, P Palladino, VI Torvik
PNAS 67, 68, 0
The BIRO System
V Baglioni, P Palladino, P Beck, P Perner
Best Information through Regional Outcomes: a Shared European Diabetes …, 0
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Articles 1–16