Teresa Canas-Bajo
Cited by
Cited by
Periphery-fovea multi-resolution driving model guided by human attention
Y Xia, J Kim, J Canny, K Zipser, T Canas-Bajo, D Whitney
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer …, 2020
Serial dependence in the perceptual judgments of radiologists
M Manassi, C Ghirardo, T Canas-Bajo, Z Ren, W Prinzmetal, D Whitney
Cognitive research: principles and implications 6, 1-13, 2021
Visual search in naturalistic scenes from foveal to peripheral vision: A comparison between dynamic and static displays
A Nuthmann, T Canas-Bajo
Journal of Vision 22 (1), 10-10, 2022
Stimulus-specific individual differences in holistic perception of Mooney faces
T Canas-Bajo, D Whitney
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 585921, 2020
Designing a new method of studying feature-length films: an empirical study and its critical analysis
J Caņas-Bajo, T Caņas-Bajo, E Berki, JP Valtanen, P Saariluoma
Projections 13 (3), 53-78, 2019
Relative tuning of holistic face processing towards the fovea
T Canas-Bajo, D Whitney
Vision research 197, 108049, 2022
Safety implications of automated vehicles providing external communication to pedestrians
P Wang, S Motamedi, T Canas Bajo, X Zhou, T Zhang, D Whitney, ...
Emotional experiences of films: are they universal or culturally mediated
J Caņas-Bajo, T Caņas-Bajo, E Berki, JP Valtanen, P Saariluoma
Participations–Journal of Audience and Reception Studies 16 (2), 3-21, 2019
Idiosyncratic biases in the perception of medical images
Z Wang, M Manassi, Z Ren, C Ghirardo, T Canas-Bajo, Y Murai, M Zhou, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 1049831, 2022
Serial dependence in perception across naturalistic generative adversarial network-generated mammogram
Z Ren, T Canas-Bajo, C Ghirardo, M Manassi, SX Yu, D Whitney
Journal of Medical Imaging 10 (4), 045501-045501, 2023
Serial Dependence in Radiologist Perception across Naturalistic Mammogram Stimuli
Z Ren, T Canas-Bajo, M Zhou, XY Stella, D Whitney
Journal of Vision 22 (14), 3835-3835, 2022
Simulated tumor recognition in mammograms is biased by serial dependence
C Ghirardo, M Manassi, T Canas-Bajo, W Prinzmetal, D Whitney
Journal of Vision 20 (11), 1202-1202, 2020
Individual differences in classification images of Mooney faces
T Canas-Bajo, D Whitney
Journal of Vision 22 (13), 3-3, 2022
Individual differences in classification images of Mooney faces
T Canas-Bajo, D Whitney
Journal of Vision 21 (9), 2092-2092, 2021
Pattern completion of object-level information in classification images of Mooney faces
A Gauper, T Canas-Bajo, D Whitney
Journal of Vision 21 (9), 2091-2091, 2021
Ching-Yao Chan
DR Ragland, SE Shladover, WB Zhang, K Jang
IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, 2021
Foveal selectivity in holistic processing of Mooney faces
T Canas-Bajo, D Whitney
Journal of Vision 20 (11), 432-432, 2020
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Articles 1–17