Jet Hoek
Cited by
Cited by
Cognitive complexity and the linguistic marking of coherence relations: A parallel corpus study
J Hoek, S Zufferey, J Evers-Vermeul, TJM Sanders
Journal of pragmatics 121, 113-131, 2017
Unifying dimensions in coherence relations: How various annotation frameworks are related
TJM Sanders, V Demberg, J Hoek, MCJ Scholman, FT Asr, S Zufferey, ...
Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 17 (1), 1-71, 2021
Factors influencing the implicitation of discourse relations across languages
J Hoek, S Zufferey
Proceedings 11th Joint ACL-ISO Workshop on interoperable semantic annotation …, 2015
Evaluating discourse annotation: Some recent insights and new approaches
J Hoek, M Scholman
Proceedings of the 13th Joint ISO-ACL Workshop on Interoperable Semantic …, 2017
Segmenting discourse: Incorporating interpretation into segmentation?
J Hoek, J Evers-Vermeul, TJM Sanders
Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 14 (2), 357-386, 2018
The role of expectedness in the implicitation and explicitation of discourse relations
J Hoek, J Evers-Vermeul, TJM Sanders
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Discourse in Machine Translation, 41-46, 2015
On temporality in discourse annotation: Theoretical and practical considerations
J Evers-Vermeul, J Hoek, MCJ Scholman
Dialogue & Discourse 8 (2), 1-20, 2017
The linguistic marking of coherence relations: Interactions between connectives and segment-internal elements
J Hoek, S Zufferey, J Evers-Vermeul, TJM Sanders
Pragmatics & Cognition 25 (2), 276-309, 2018
Using the cognitive approach to coherence relations for discourse annotation
J Hoek, J Evers-Vermeul, TJM Sanders
Dialogue & Discourse 10 (2), 1-33, 2019
Making sense of discourse: On discourse segmentation and the linguistic marking of coherence relations
J Hoek
LOT Dissertation Series 509, 2018
Constructing a lexicon of Dutch discourse connectives
P Bourgonje, J Hoek, J Evers-Vermeul, G Redeker, T Sanders, M Stede
Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands Journal 8, 163-175, 2018
Scolding the child who threw the scissors: Shaping discourse expectations by restricting referents
J Hoek, H Rohde, J Evers-Vermeul, TJM Sanders
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 36 (3), 382-399, 2021
Expectations from relative clauses: Real-time coherence updates in discourse processing
J Hoek, H Rohde, J Evers-Vermeul, TJM Sanders
Cognition 210, 104581, 2021
Referent management in discourse. The accessibility of weak definites
A Brocher, F Weeber, J Hoek, K Heusinger
Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society …, 2020
Pronominalization and expectations for re-mention: Modeling coreference in contexts with three referents
J Hoek, A Kehler, H Rohde
Frontiers in Communication 6, 674126, 2021
Discourse rules: the effects of clause order principles on the reading process
MCJ Scholman, L Blything, K Cain, J Hoek, J Evers-Vermeul
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 37 (10), 1277-1291, 2022
Is there less annotator agreement when the discourse relation is underspecified?
J Hoek, MCJ Scholman, TJM Sanders
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Integrating Perspectives on Discourse …, 2021
Automatic coherence analysis of Dutch: Testing the subjectivity hypothesis on a larger scale
J Hoek, TJM Sanders, WPMS Spooren
Corpora 16 (1), 129-155, 2021
On the optimal interpretation of'yes' and'no'in Dutch
J Hoek, H Hoop
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016
This better be interesting: A speaker’s decision to speak cues listeners to expect informative content
H Rohde, J Hoek, M Keshev, M Franke
Open Mind 6, 118-131, 2022
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Articles 1–20