Samuel Robert
Samuel Robert
Chercheur CNRS / Researcher at CNRS
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Cited by
Assessing UV filter inputs into beach waters during recreational activity: A field study of three French Mediterranean beaches from consumer survey to water analysis
J Labille, D Slomberg, R Catalano, S Robert, ML Apers-Tremelo, ...
Science of the Total Environment 706, 136010, 2020
Delayed nitrate dispersion within a coastal aquifer provides constraints on land-use evolution and nitrate contamination in the past
M Erostate, F Huneau, E Garel, MF Lehmann, T Kuhn, L Aquilina, ...
Science of the Total Environment 644, 928-940, 2018
How wildfire risk is related to urban planning and Fire Weather Index in SE France (1990–2013)
DM Fox, P Carrega, Y Ren, P Caillouet, C Bouillon, S Robert
Science of the total environment 621, 120-129, 2018
The mobility and human oral bioaccessibility of Zn and Pb in urban dusts of Estarreja (N Portugal)
C Patinha, AP Reis, AC Dias, AA Abduljelil, Y Noack, S Robert, M Cave, ...
Environmental geochemistry and health 37, 115-131, 2015
Resistance to relocation in flood-vulnerable coastal areas: a proposed composite index
H Rey-Valette, S Robert, B Rulleau
Climate Policy 19 (2), 206-218, 2019
Assessing the visual landscape potential of coastal territories for spatial planning. A case study in the French Mediterranean
S Robert
Land Use Policy 72, 138-151, 2018
Combinations of geoenvironmental data underline coastal aquifer anthropogenic nitrate legacy through groundwater vulnerability mapping methods
J Jaunat, E Garel, F Huneau, M Erostate, S Santoni, S Robert, D Fox, ...
Science of the Total Environment 658, 1390-1403, 2019
Assessing the human health risk for aluminium, zinc and lead in outdoor dusts collected in recreational sites used by children at an industrial area in the western part of the …
AP Reis, C Patinha, Y Noack, S Robert, AC Dias, EF Da Silva
Journal of African Earth Sciences 99, 724-734, 2014
Local spatial planning practices in four French Mediterranean coastal territories under pressure
A Prévost, S Robert
Land Use Policy 56, 68-80, 2016
A framework to analyse urban sprawl in the French Mediterranean coastal zone
S Robert, D Fox, G Boulay, A Grandclement, M Garrido, V Pasqualini, ...
Regional Environmental Change 19, 559-572, 2019
How ready are we to cope with climate change? Extent of adaptation to sea level rise and coastal risks in local planning documents of southern France
S Robert, A Schleyer-Lindenmann
Land Use Policy 104, 105354, 2021
La vue sur mer et l'urbanisation du littoral. Approche géographique et cartographique sur la Côte d'Azur et la Riviera du Ponant
S Robert
Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 2009
Assessing human exposure to aluminium, chromium and vanadium through outdoor dust ingestion in the Bassin Minier de Provence, France
AP Reis, C Patinha, Y Noack, S Robert, AC Dias
Environmental geochemistry and health 36, 303-317, 2014
Évaluer et représenter le nombre d’usagers sur une plage urbaine (Les Ponchettes, Nice)
S Robert, G Sillère, S Liziard
M@ ppemonde, 20, 2008
Parameters influencing run-off on vegetated urban soils: A case study in Marseilles, France
J Díaz-Sanz, S Robert, C Keller
Geoderma 376, 114455, 2020
Coastal urbanization and land planning in southern France
S Robert, A Prévost, D Fox, ML Trémélo, V Pasqualini
MEDCOAST 15, The Twelfth International Conference on the Mediterranean …, 2015
Habiter le littoral. Enjeux contemporains
S Robert, H Melin
Presses Universitaires de Provence; Presses Universitaires d'Aix-Marseille, 2016
Les interactions hommes-milieux: questions et pratiques de la recherche en environnement
R Chenorkian, S Robert
Quae, 2014
Monitoring urban beach quality on a summer day: Determination of the origin of fecal indicator bacteria and antimicrobial resistance at Prophète Beach, Marseille (France)
M Toubiana, C Salles, MG Tournoud, P Licznar-Fajardo, I Zorgniotti, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 12, 710346, 2021
Entre étalement et densification: une approche fine de l’urbanisation littorale sur la Côte bleue, Provence
S Robert
Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography, 2016
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Articles 1–20