Yunlei Liang
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Cited by
Mapping county-level mobility pattern changes in the United States in response to COVID-19
S Gao, J Rao, Y Kang, Y Liang, J Kruse
SIGSPATIAL Special 12 (1), 16-26, 2020
Multiscale dynamic human mobility flow dataset in the US during the COVID-19 epidemic
Y Kang, S Gao, Y Liang, M Li, J Rao, J Kruse
Scientific data 7 (1), 390, 2020
Association of mobile phone location data indications of travel and stay-at-home mandates with covid-19 infection rates in the us
S Gao, J Rao, Y Kang, Y Liang, J Kruse, D Dopfer, AK Sethi, JFM Reyes, ...
JAMA network open 3 (9), e2020485-e2020485, 2020
Estimation of regional economic development indicator from transportation network analytics
B Li, S Gao, Y Liang, Y Kang, T Prestby, Y Gao, R Xiao
Scientific reports 10 (1), 2647, 2020
Impacts of COVID-19 lockdowns and stimulus payments on low-income population’s spending in the United States
K Li, NZ Foutz, Y Cai, Y Liang, S Gao
PloS one 16 (9), e0256407, 2021
Calibrating the dynamic Huff model for business analysis using location big data
Y Liang, S Gao, Y Cai, NZ Foutz, L Wu
Transactions in GIS 24 (3), 681-703, 2020
Predicting the spatiotemporal legality of on-street parking using open data and machine learning
S Gao, M Li, Y Liang, J Marks, Y Kang, M Li
Annals of GIS 25 (4), 299-312, 2019
Region2Vec: community detection on spatial networks using graph embedding with node attributes and spatial interactions
Y Liang, J Zhu, W Ye, S Gao
Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Advances in Geographic …, 2022
A Data-Driven Approach to Understanding and Predicting the Spatiotemporal Availability of Street Parking
M Li, S Gao, Y Liang, J Marks, Y Kang, M Li
Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances …, 2019
Optimizing bus stop spacing using the simulated annealing algorithm with spatial interaction coverage model
Y Liang, S Gao, T Wu, S Wang, Y Wu
Proceedings of the 11th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on …, 2018
Utilizing reverse viewshed analysis in image geo-localization
Y Kang, S Gao, Y Liang
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Recommendations for …, 2018
Exploring Store Visit Changes During the COVID-19 Pandemic Using Mobile Phone Location Data
Y Liang, KW McNair, S Gao, A Göçmen
Mapping COVID-19 in Space and Time: Understanding the Spatial and Temporal …, 2021
GeoAI Methodological Foundations: Deep Neural Networks and Knowledge Graphs
S Gao, J Rao, Y Liang, Y Kang, J Zhu, R Zhu
Handbook of Geospatial Artificial Intelligence, 45-74, 2023
GeoAI-enhanced community detection on spatial networks with graph deep learning
Y Liang, J Zhu, W Ye, S Gao
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 117, 102228, 2025
Automatic delineation of rational service areas and health professional shortage areas in GIS based on human movements and health resources
Y Liang, S Gao
Transactions in GIS 28 (6), 1639-1661, 2024
Analyzing the Gap Between Ride-hailing Location and Pick-up Location with Geographical Contexts
Y Liang, S Gao, M Li, Y Kang, J Rao
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