Elvia Palacios
Elvia Palacios
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Fault-tolerant control in variable speed drives: a survey
DU Campos-Delgado, DR Espinoza-Trejo, E Palacios
IET Electric Power Applications 2 (2), 121-134, 2008
Modelling and control of a DC–DC quadratic boost converter with R 2 P 2
JA Morales-Saldana, R Loera-Palomo, E Palacios-Hernández, ...
IET Power Electronics 7 (1), 11-22, 2014
Multiple-fault diagnosis in induction motors through support vector machine classification at variable operating conditions
JD Martínez-Morales, ER Palacios-Hernández, DU Campos-Delgado
Electrical Engineering 100 (1), 59-73, 2018
Quadratic step-down dc–dc converters based on reduced redundant power processing approach
R Loera-Palomo, JA Morales-Saldaña, E Palacios-Hernández
IET Power Electronics 6 (1), 136-145, 2013
Design and implementation of a robotic arm using ROS and MoveIt!
S Hernandez-Mendez, C Maldonado-Mendez, A Marin-Hernandez, ...
Power, Electronics and Computing (ROPEC), 2017 IEEE International Autumn …, 2017
Modeling of internal combustion engine emissions by LOLIMOT algorithm
JD Martínez-Morales, E Palacios, GAV Carrillo
Procedia Technology 3, 251-258, 2012
Evaluation of complementarity of wind and solar energy resources over Mexico using an image processing approach
MA Vega-Sánchez, PD Castañeda-Jiménez, R Peña-Gallardo, ...
Power, Electronics and Computing (ROPEC), 2017 IEEE International Autumn …, 2017
Modeling and multi-objective optimization of a gasoline engine using neural networks and evolutionary algorithms
JD Martínez-Morales, ER Palacios-Hernández, GA Velázquez-Carrillo
Journal of Zhejiang University Science A 14 (9), 657-670, 2013
Sleep-wake detection based on respiratory signal acquired through a pressure bed sensor
G Guerrero-Mora, P Elvia, AM Bianchi, J Kortelainen, M Tenhunen, ...
2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2012
Design optimization of multilayer perceptron neural network by ant colony optimization applied to engine emissions data
J Martínez-Morales, H Quej-Cosgaya, J Lagunas-Jiménez, ...
Science China Technological Sciences 62 (6), 1055-1064, 2019
Data fusion for multiple mechanical fault diagnosis in induction motors at variable operating conditions
JD Martínez-Morales, E Palacios, DU Campos-Delgado
Electrical Engineering Computing Science and Automatic Control (CCE), 2010 …, 2010
Leader-follower formation for nonholonomic mobile robots: discrete-time approach
RD Cruz-Morales, M Velasco-Villa, R Castro-Linares, ...
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 13 (2), 46, 2016
Parameters selection criteria of proportional–integral controller for a quadratic buck converter
JA Morales-Saldaña, R Loera-Palomo, E Palacios-Hernández
IET Power Electronics 7 (6), 1527-1535, 2014
Interconnection and Damping Passivity-Based Control applied to a single-phase voltage source inverter
D Gerardo, E Palacios, V Cárdenas
Power Electronics Congress (CIEP), 2010 12th International, 229-234, 2010
Modeling engine fuel consumption and NOx with RBF neural network and MOPSO algorithm
JD Martínez-Morales, ER Palacios-Hernández, GA Velázquez-Carrillo
International Journal of Automotive Technology 16 (6), 1041-1049, 2015
Artificial neural network based on genetic algorithm for emissions prediction of a SI gasoline engine
JD Martínez-Morales, ER Palacios-Hernández, GA Velázquez-Carrillo
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 28 (6), 2417-2427, 2014
Detection of sleep-disordered breating with pressure bed sensor
G Guerrero, JM Kortelainen, E Palacios, AM Bianchi, G Tachino, ...
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2013 35th Annual …, 2013
A real-time 3d pose based visual servoing implementation for an autonomous mobile robot manipulator
JR Sanchez-Lopez, A Marin-Hernandez, ER Palacios-Hernandez, ...
Procedia Technology 7, 416-423, 2013
Visual detection, tracking and pose estimation of a robotic arm end effector
JR Sanchez-Lopez, A Marin-Hernandez, ER Palacios-Hernandez
Proc. Robotics Summer Meeting (Veracruz, Mexico, 27–28 June 2011), 41-8, 2011
A Fuzzy Speed Controller for a Guide Robot Using an HRI Approach
KL Luna, ER Palacios, A Marin
IEEE Latin America Transactions 16 (8), 2102-2107, 2018
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Articles 1–20