James M Scobbie
James M Scobbie
Professor of Speech Sciences, Queen Margaret University
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P Foulkes, JM Scobbie, D Watt
The handbook of phonetic sciences, 703-754, 2010
Covert contrast as a stage in the acquisition of phonetics and phonology
Scobbie, J M, F Gibbon, WJ Hardcastle, P Fletcher
Papers in laboratory phonology V: Acquisition and the lexicon 5, 194-207, 2000
Autosegmental representation in a declarative constraint-based framework (Outstanding Dissertations in Linguistics)
JM Scobbie
Garland / Taylor & Francis, 1997
Using ultrasound visual biofeedback to treat persistent primary speech sound disorders
J Cleland, JM Scobbie, AA Wrench
Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 2015
Head-Probe stabilisation in ultrasound tongue imaging using a headset to permit natural head movement.
JM Scobbie, AA Wrench, M van der Linden
Proceedings of the 8th International seminar on speech production, 2008
The social stratification of tongue shape for postvocalic /r/ in Scottish English
E Lawson, JM Scobbie, J Stuart‐Smith
Journal of Sociolinguistics 15 (2), 256-268, 2011
Singing a different tune in your native language: First language attrition of prosody
E De Leeuw, I Mennen, JM Scobbie
International Journal of Bilingualism 16 (1), 101-116, 2012
Quasi-phonemic contrast and the fuzzy inventory: Examples from Scottish English
JM Scobbie, J Stuart-Smith
Contrast in phonology: Theory, perception, acquisition, 87-114, 2008
Standard English in Edinburgh and Glasgow: the Scottish vowel length rule revealed.
JM Scobbie, N Hewlett, AE Turk
Urban voices: Variation and change in British accents, 1999
Flexibility in the face of incompatible English VOT systems
JM Scobbie
Laboratory phonology 8, 367-392, 2006
The role of syllable structure in external sandhi: An EPG study of vocalisation and retraction in word-final English /l/
JM Scobbie, M Pouplier
Journal of Phonetics 38 (2), 240-259, 2010
Key aspects of declarative phonology
JM Scobbie, JS Coleman, S Bird
Current Trends in Phonology, 1996
The influence of phonemic awareness development on acoustic cue weighting strategies in children's speech perception
C Mayo, JM Scobbie, N Hewlett, D Waters
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2003
Interface and overlap in phonetics and phonology
JM Scobbie
Dynamic systems, maturational constraints and L1 phonetic attrition
E de Leeuw, I Mennen, JM Scobbie
International Journal of Bilingualism 17 (6), 683-700, 2013
Measuring language-specific phonetic settings
I Mennen, JM Scobbie, E de Leeuw, S Schaeffler, F Schaeffler
Second Language Research 26 (1), 13-41, 2010
Articulatory insights into language variation and change: Preliminary findings from an ultrasound study of derhoticization in Scottish English
E Lawson, J Stuart-Smith, JM Scobbie
University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics, 2008
Bunched/r/promotes vowel merger to schwar: An ultrasound tongue imaging study of Scottish sociophonetic variation
E Lawson, JM Scobbie, J Stuart-Smith
Journal of Phonetics 41 (3-4), 198-210, 2013
External sandhi as gestural overlap? Counter-evidence from Sardinian.
DR Ladd, JM Scobbie
Phonetic interpretation: Papers in laboratory phonology VI, 2003
Interactions between the acquisition of phonetics and phonology
JM Scobbie
Papers from the 34th Annual Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic …, 1998
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Articles 1–20