Michał Denkiewicz
Michał Denkiewicz
Warsaw University of Technology
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Information-sharing and aggregation models for interacting minds
P Migdał, J Rączaszek-Leonardi, M Denkiewicz, D Plewczynski
Journal of Mathematical Psychology 56 (6), 417-426, 2012
Identification of breast cancer subtype specific MicroRNAs using survival analysis to find their role in transcriptomic regulation
M Denkiewicz, I Saha, S Rakshit, JP Sarkar, D Plewczynski
Frontiers in genetics 10, 1047, 2019
Aggregated network centrality shows non-random structure of genomic and proteomic networks
AK Halder, M Denkiewicz, K Sengupta, S Basu, D Plewczynski
Methods 181, 5-14, 2020
Cultural artifacts transform embodied practice: How a sommelier card shapes the behavior of dyads engaged in wine tasting
J Rączaszek-Leonardi, J Krzesicka, N Klamann, K Ziembowicz, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 10, 2671, 2019
Performance of language-coordinated collective systems: a study of wine recognition and description
J Zubek, M Denkiewicz, A Dębska, A Radkowska, J Komorowska-Mach, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 7, 1321, 2016
Social adaptation in multi-agent model of linguistic categorization is affected by network information flow
J Zubek, M Denkiewicz, J Barański, P Wróblewski, J Rączaszek-Leonardi, ...
PloS one 12 (8), e0182490, 2017
Information-sharing in three interacting minds solving a simple perceptual task
M Denkiewicz, P Migda, D Plewczynski
Proceedings of the annual meeting of the cognitive science Society 35 (35), 2013
Rhythms of the day: How electronic media and daily routines influence mood during COVID‐19 pandemic
J Zubek, K Ziembowicz, M Pokropski, P Gwiaździński, M Denkiewicz, ...
Applied Psychology: Health and Well‐Being 14 (2), 519-536, 2022
Dendritic spines taxonomy: The functional and structural classification• Time-dependent probabilistic model of neuronal activation
P Urban, V Rezaei, G Bokota, M Denkiewicz, S Basu, D Plewczyński
Journal of Computational Biology 26 (4), 322-335, 2019
Multi-scale phase separation by explosive percolation with single-chromatin loop resolution
K Sengupta, M Denkiewicz, M Chiliński, T Szczepińska, AF Mollah, ...
Computational and structural biotechnology journal 20, 3591-3603, 2022
Unveiling the Molecular Mechanism of Trastuzumab Resistance in SKBR3 and BT474 Cell Lines for HER2 Positive Breast Cancer
A Kokot, S Gadakh, I Saha, E Gajda, M Łaźniewski, S Rakshit, ...
Current issues in molecular biology 46 (3), 2713-2740, 2024
The mixture of autoregressive hidden Markov models of morphology for dentritic spines during activation process
P Urban, V Rezaei Tabar, M Denkiewicz, G Bokota, N Das, S Basu, ...
Journal of Computational Biology 27 (9), 1471-1485, 2020
P Litwin, M Denkiewicz, J Rączaszek-Leonardi
Psychological Studies, 2017
Intrinsic linking of chromatin fiber in human cells
M Borodzik, M Denkiewicz, K Spaliński, K Winnicka-Sztachelska, ...
bioRxiv, 2022.07. 13.499767, 2022
Corrigendum: Identification of Breast Cancer Subtype Specific MicroRNAs Using Survival Analysis to Find Their Role in Transcriptomic Regulation
M Denkiewicz, I Saha, S Rakshit, JP Sarkar, D Plewczynski
Frontiers in Genetics 10, 1382, 2020
Wpływ motywacji na siłę doświadczenia iluzji gumowej ręki.
P Litwin, M Denkiewicz, J Rączaszek-Leonardi
Studia Psychologiczne, 2016
The Mouseion at the JAXlibrary
K Sengupta, M Denkiewicz, M Chiliński, T Szczepińska, AF Mollah
Cudzy umysł we własnym mózgu Neurobiologia „Teorii Umysłu”
M Denkiewicz
Depressive realism in neurobiological context
P Mazurkiewicz, M Zarzycka, S Purchla, M Denkiewicz, D Nowicka, ...
BioMetaNet: Meta-Network model for human lymphoblastoid cell lines representing complete biological interactome
K Sengupta, M Denkiewicz, AK Halder, S Basu, D Plewczyński
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Articles 1–20