Chrystelle Montigny
Chrystelle Montigny
Professeur des Universités, Université de Montpellier
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Marine ecosystems’ responses to climatic and anthropogenic forcings in the Mediterranean
TMM Group, XD de Madron, C Guieu, R Sempéré, P Conan, D Cossa, ...
Progress in Oceanography 91 (2), 97-166, 2011
Hydrological and geochemical control of metals and arsenic in a Mediterranean river contaminated by acid mine drainage (the Amous River, France); preliminary assessment of …
C Casiot, M Egal, F Elbaz-Poulichet, O Bruneel, C Bancon-Montigny, ...
Applied geochemistry 24 (5), 787-799, 2009
Headspace single-drop microextration for the detection of organotin compounds
V Colombini, C Bancon-Montigny, L Yang, P Maxwell, RE Sturgeon, ...
Talanta 63 (3), 555-560, 2004
Improved routine speciation of organotin compounds in environmental samples by pulsed flame photometric detection
C Bancon-Montigny, G Lespes, M Potin-Gautier
Journal of Chromatography A 896 (1-2), 149-158, 2000
Entropy of capacities on lattices and set systems
A Honda, M Grabisch
Information Sciences 176 (23), 3472-3489, 2006
Optimization of solid-phase microextraction for the speciation of butyl-and phenyltins using experimental designs
G Lespes, V Desauziers, C Montigny, M Potin-Gautier
Journal of Chromatography A 826 (1), 67-76, 1998
Occurrence of androgens in sewage treatment plants influents is associated with antagonist activities on other steroid receptors
V Bellet, G Hernandez-Raquet, S Dagnino, L Seree, P Pardon, ...
Water research 46, 1912-1922, 2012
Solid phase microextraction (SPME): a new procedure for the control of butyl-and phenyltin pollution in the environment by GC-FPD
S Aguerre, C Bancon-Montigny, G Lespes, M Potin-Gautier
Analyst 125 (2), 263-268, 2000
Organotin survey in the Adour–Garonne basin
C Bancon-Montigny, G Lespes, M Potin-Gautier
Water Research 38 (4), 933-946, 2004
Trace elements in the sediments of a large Mediterranean marina (Port Camargue, France): levels and contamination history
N Briant, C Bancon-Montigny, F Elbaz-Poulichet, R Freydier, S Delpoux, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 73 (1), 78-85, 2013
Archaeal diversity in a Fe–As rich acid mine drainage at Carnoulès (France)
O Bruneel, N Pascault, M Egal, C Bancon-Montigny, MS Goñi-Urriza, ...
Extremophiles 12, 563-571, 2008
Improvement of measurement precision of SPME-GC/MS determination of tributyltin using isotope dilution calibration
C Bancon-Montigny, P Maxwell, L Yang, Z Mester, RE Sturgeon
Analytical chemistry 74 (21), 5606-5613, 2002
Seasonal changes of chemical contamination in coastal waters during sediment resuspension
C Bancon-Montigny, C Gonzalez, S Delpoux, M Avenzac, S Spinelli, ...
Chemosphere 235, 651-661, 2019
High‐yield synthesis of milligram amounts of isotopically enriched methylmercury (CH3198HgCl)
C Bancon‐Montigny, L Yang, RE Sturgeon, V Colombini, Z Mester
Applied organometallic chemistry 18 (2), 57-64, 2004
Matrix effects and selectivity of the detector in the determination of butyl-and phenyltins by gas chromatography–flame photometric detection
C Montigny, G Lespes, M Potin-Gautier
Journal of Chromatography A 819 (1-2), 221-230, 1998
Optimisation of the storage of natural freshwaters before organotin speciation
C Bancon-Montigny, G Lespes, M Potin-Gautier
Water Research 35 (1), 224-232, 2001
Study of photocatalytic degradation of tributyltin, dibutylin and monobutyltin in water and marine sediments
S Brosillon, C Bancon-Montigny, J Mendret
Chemosphere 109, 173-179, 2014
Consequences of contaminant mixture on the dynamics and functional diversity of bacterioplankton in a southwestern Mediterranean coastal ecosystem
O Pringault, C Lafabrie, M Avezac, C Bancon-Montigny, C Carre, ...
Chemosphere 144, 1060-1073, 2016
Impact of rapid urbanisation and industrialisation on river sediment metal contamination
H Hayzoun, C Garnier, G Durrieu, V Lenoble, C Bancon-Montigny, ...
Environmental monitoring and assessment 186, 2851-2865, 2014
The role of river sediments in contamination storage downstream of a waste water treatment plant in low flow conditions: Organotins, faecal indicator bacteria and nutrients
N Chahinian, C Bancon-Montigny, A Caro, P Got, JL Perrin, D Rosain, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 114, 70-81, 2012
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Articles 1–20