Dr. Christopher Ahlberg
Dr. Christopher Ahlberg
Recorded Future, Inc.
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Cited by
Cited by
Visual information seeking: Tight coupling of dynamic query filters with starfield displays
C Ahlberg, B Shneiderman
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems …, 1994
Dynamic queries for information exploration: An implementation and evaluation
C Ahlberg, C Williamson, B Shneiderman
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems …, 1992
Spotfire: an information exploration environment
C Ahlberg
ACM SIGMOD Record 25 (4), 25-29, 1996
The alphaslider: a compact and rapid selector
C Ahlberg, B Shneiderman
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems …, 1994
IVEE: An information visualization and exploration environment
C Ahlberg, E Wistrand
Proceedings of Visualization 1995 Conference, 66-73, 1995
Data visualization sliders
SG Eick
Proceedings of the 7th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and …, 1994
Data analysis system with automated query and visualization environment setup
MB Nilsson, AS Fasth, C Ahlberg, S Truvé, E Wistrand
US Patent 7,216,116, 2007
System and method for automatic analysis of data bases and for user-controlled dynamic querying
C Ahlberg, S Truve, E Wistrand
US Patent 6,014,661, 2000
Visual information seeking using the filmfinder
C Ahlberg, B Shneiderman
Conference companion on Human factors in computing systems, 433-434, 1994
System and method for collaborative hosted analysis of data bases via a network portal
C Ahlberg
US Patent 6,405,195, 2002
Visual exploration of HTS databases: bridging the gap between chemistry and biology
C Ahlberg
Drug discovery today 4 (8), 370-376, 1999
Automatic guide for data analysis
C Ahlberg, L Bauerle, T Lehtipalo, R Edgren, A Lundberg, S Jernberg, ...
US Patent 8,296,654, 2012
IVEE: An environment for automatic creation of dynamic queries applications
C Ahlberg, E Wistrand
Conference companion on Human factors in computing systems, 15-16, 1995
Dynamic queries: Database searching by direct manipulation
B Shneiderman, C Williamson, C Ahlberg
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 1992
Information service for facts extracted from differing sources on a wide area network
S Truvé, C Ahlberg
US Patent 8,468,153, 2013
Exploring terra incognita in the design space of query devices
C Ahlberg, S Truvé
Engineering for Human-Computer Interaction: Proceedings of the IFIP TC2/WG2 …, 1996
Tight coupling: guiding user actions in a direct manipulation retrieval system
C Ahlberg, S Truvé
BCS HCI, 305-321, 1995
Flip zooming: A practical focus+ context approach to visualizing large data sets
LE Holmquist, C Ahlberg
HCI (2), 763-766, 1997
Using interaction object graphs to specify and develop graphical widgets
D Carr, N Jog, H Kumar, M Teittinen, C Ahlberg
Using interaction object graphs to specify graphical widgets
DA Carr, N Jog, HP Kumar, M Teittinen, C Ahlberg, MT Kumar, C Alberg
University of Maryland, Department of Computer Science, College Park, MD …, 1994
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Articles 1–20