Renato Silva de Melo
Renato Silva de Melo
Phd in Computer Science, Federal University of Paraná
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Cited by
Cited by
Combinatorial dual bounds on the least cost influence problem
RS Melo, AL Vignatti, FK Miyazawa, MJ Ota
Pesquisa Operacional 43, e275468, 2023
Tighter Dual Bounds on the Least Cost Influence Problem
RS de Melo, AL Vignatti, FK Miyazawa, MJ Ota
Proceedings of the 52nd Brazilian Operational Research Symposium. SBPO, 2020
A preselection algorithm for the influence maximization problem in power law graphs
RS Melo, AL Vignatti
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1782-1789, 2018
Maximizing Influence Blocking with Competing Cascades using Integer Linear Programming
GC Boneti, A Vignatti, RS De Melo
55 Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional (SBPO 2023), 2023
A Non-Uniform Tuning Method for SQL-on-Hadoop Systems.
ER Lucas Filho, RS de Melo, EC de Almeida
AMW, 2019
Preprocessing Rules for Target Set Selection in Complex Networks
RS Melo, AL Vignatti
Anais do IX Brazilian Workshop on Social Network Analysis and Mining, 108-119, 2020
Maximização de influência em grafos lei de potência
RS Melo
Exact algorithms for influence propagation in complex networks
RS Melo
Participação Feminina no Cinema Brasileiro: Análise Através de Redes Sociais
RS de Melo, AL Vignatti, AP da Costa, F do Nascimento
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Articles 1–9