Peiman A. Sarvari
Peiman A. Sarvari
Luxembourg National Data Service
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Technology roadmap for Industry 4.0
PA Sarvari, A Ustundag, E Cevikcan, I Kaya, S Cebi
Industry 4.0: Managing the digital transformation, 95-103, 2018
Performance evaluation of different customer segmentation approaches based on RFM and demographics analysis
PA Sarvari, A Ustundag, H Takci
Kybernetes 45 (7), 1129-1157, 2016
Profit margin prediction in sustainable road freight transportation using machine learning
A Budak, PA Sarvari
Journal of Cleaner Production 314, 127990, 2021
A maritime safety on-board decision support system to enhance emergency evacuation on ferryboats
PA Sarvari, E Cevikcan, M Celik, A Ustundag, B Ervural
Maritime Policy & Management 46 (4), 410-435, 2019
Applying lean tools in the clinical laboratory to reduce turnaround time for blood test results
B Umut, PA Sarvari
International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology 4 (3 …, 2016
Secondary dormancy in Brassica napus is correlated with enhanced BnaDOG1 transcript levels
G Née, E Obeng-Hinneh, P Sarvari, K Nakabayashi, WJJ Soppe
Seed Science Research 25 (2), 221-229, 2015
Studies on emergency evacuation management for maritime transportation
PA Sarvari, E Cevikcan, A Ustundag, M Celik
Maritime Policy & Management 45 (5), 622-648, 2018
The potential of data analytics in disaster management
P Alipour Sarvari, M Nozari, D Khadraoui
Industrial Engineering in the Big Data Era: Selected Papers from the Global …, 2019
Value-at-Risk-Based Portfolio Insurance: Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking Against CPPI in a Markov-Modulated Regime-Switching Market
P Alipour, AF Bastani
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.12539, 2023
Analyzing the interaction between tweet sentiments and price volatility of cryptocurrencies
P Alipour, SE Charandabi
European Journal of Business and Management Research 8 (2), 211-215, 2023
Application of machine learning & deep learning techniques in the context of use cases relevant for the tire industry
K Singh, P Sarvari, F Petry, D Khadraoui
VDI Wissensforum 10, 2019
Unveiling a new roadmap for digital transformation
S Salehipour Bavarsad, S Kazem Pourian
Science and Technology Policy Letters 11 (1), 5-17, 2021
Introduction of a new high yielding method for the synthesis of 1, 8-dioxo-octahydroxanthenes using W-doped ZnO nanocomposite
FS Arbosara, F Shirini, M Abedini, HF Moafi
Journal of Nanostructure in Chemistry 5, 55-63, 2015
Industrial engineering in the industry 4.0 era
F Calisir, HC Akdag
Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering, Springer, Austria, 2017
A simulation-based methodology for evaluating the factors on ship emergency evacuation
PA Sarvari, E Cevikcan
International Journal of Maritime Engineering 159 (A4), 2017
Industrial Engineering in the Big Data Era: Selected Papers from the Global Joint Conference on Industrial Engineering and its Application Areas, GJCIE 2018, June 21–22, 2018 …
F Calisir, E Cevikcan, HC Akdag
Springer, 2019
Industrial engineering in the big data era
F Calisir, E Cevikcan, HC Akdag
Cham: Springer, 2019
Analyzing the Recycling Operations Data of the White Appliances Industry in the Turkish Market
A Bal, PA Sarvari, SI Satoglu
Industrial Engineering in the Industry 4.0 Era: Selected papers from the …, 2018
Hub location allocation problems and solution algorithms
PA Sarvari, FB Yeni, E Çevikcan
Handbook of Research on Applied Optimization Methodologies in Manufacturing …, 2018
A survey on EMF-aware mobile network planning
S Faye, R Camino, G Rziga, PA Sarvari, N Al-Naffakh, ...
IEEE Access, 2023
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Articles 1–20