Andrew J. Williamson
Andrew J. Williamson
Cambridge Innovation Capital
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Comparison of two methods for describing the strain profiles in quantum dots
C Pryor, J Kim, LW Wang, AJ Williamson, A Zunger
Journal of Applied Physics 83 (5), 2548-2554, 1998
Surface chemistry of silicon nanoclusters
A Puzder, AJ Williamson, JC Grossman, G Galli
Physical review letters 88 (9), 097401, 2002
Theoretical interpretation of the experimental electronic structure of lens-shaped self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dots
AJ Williamson, LW Wang, A Zunger
Physical Review B 62 (19), 12963, 2000
Nondissociative Adsorption of Molecules in Light-Element-Doped Fullerenes
YH Kim, Y Zhao, A Williamson, MJ Heben, SB Zhang
Physical review letters 96 (1), 016102, 2006
The effect of organic ligand binding on the growth of CdSe nanoparticles probed by ab initio calculations
A Puzder, AJ Williamson, N Zaitseva, G Galli, L Manna, AP Alivisatos
Nano Letters 4 (12), 2361-2365, 2004
Self-healing of CdSe nanocrystals: first-principles calculations
A Puzder, AJ Williamson, F Gygi, G Galli
Physical review letters 92 (21), 217401, 2004
Finite-size effects and Coulomb interactions in quantum Monte Carlo calculations for homogeneous systems with periodic boundary conditions
LM Fraser, WMC Foulkes, G Rajagopal, RJ Needs, SD Kenny, ...
Physical Review B 53 (4), 1814, 1996
Quantum Monte Carlo Calculations of Nanostructure Optical Gaps:<? format?> Application to Silicon Quantum Dots
AJ Williamson, JC Grossman, RQ Hood, A Puzder, G Galli
Physical Review Letters 89 (19), 196803, 2002
First principles simulations of the structural and electronic properties of silicon nanowires
T Vo, AJ Williamson, G Galli
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (4), 045116, 2006
Electron emission from diamondoids: a diffusion quantum Monte Carlo study
ND Drummond, AJ Williamson, RJ Needs, G Galli
Physical review letters 95 (9), 096801, 2005
Linear-scaling quantum Monte Carlo calculations
AJ Williamson, RQ Hood, JC Grossman
Physical Review Letters 87 (24), 246406, 2001
Computational studies of the optical emission of silicon nanocrystals
A Puzder, AJ Williamson, JC Grossman, G Galli
Journal of the american chemical society 125 (9), 2786-2791, 2003
Structural stability and optical properties of nanomaterials with reconstructed surfaces
A Puzder, AJ Williamson, FA Reboredo, G Galli
Physical review letters 91 (15), 157405, 2003
Light emission from silicon-rich nitride nanostructures
L Dal Negro, JH Yi, LC Kimerling, S Hamel, A Williamson, G Galli
Applied physics letters 88 (18), 2006
InAs quantum dots: Predicted electronic structure of free-standing versus GaAs-embedded structures
AJ Williamson, A Zunger
Physical Review B 59 (24), 15819, 1999
Surface control of optical properties in silicon nanoclusters
A Puzder, AJ Williamson, JC Grossman, G Galli
The Journal of chemical physics 117 (14), 6721-6729, 2002
Parallel empirical pseudopotential electronic structure calculations for million atom systems
A Canning, LW Wang, A Williamson, A Zunger
Journal of Computational Physics 160 (1), 29-41, 2000
Atomistic design of thermoelectric properties of silicon nanowires
TTM Vo, AJ Williamson, V Lordi, G Galli
Nano letters 8 (4), 1111-1114, 2008
Optical spectroscopy of single quantum dots at tunable positive, neutral, and negative charge states
DV Regelman, E Dekel, D Gershoni, E Ehrenfreund, AJ Williamson, ...
Physical Review B 64 (16), 165301, 2001
Finite-size errors in quantum many-body simulations of extended systems
PRC Kent, RQ Hood, AJ Williamson, RJ Needs, WMC Foulkes, ...
Physical Review B 59 (3), 1917, 1999
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Articles 1–20