Instagram: Visual Social Media Cultures T Leaver, T Highfield, C Abidin John Wiley & Sons, 2020 | 904 | 2020 |
Instagrammatics and digital methods: studying visual social media, from selfies and GIFs to memes and emoji T Highfield, T Leaver Communication Research and Practice 2 (1), 47-62, 2016 | 744 | 2016 |
The Arab Spring and Social Media Audiences English and Arabic Twitter Users and Their Networks A Bruns, T Highfield, J Burgess American Behavioral Scientist 57 (7), 871-898, 2013 | 579 | 2013 |
Social Media and Everyday Politics T Highfield Polity, 2016 | 482 | 2016 |
Twitter as a Technology for Audiencing and Fandom: The #Eurovision Phenomenon T Highfield, S Harrington, A Bruns Information, Communication & Society, 1-25, 2013 | 482 | 2013 |
A methodology for mapping Instagram hashtags T Highfield, T Leaver First Monday 20 (1), 2015 | 472 | 2015 |
Blogs, Twitter, and breaking news: the produsage of citizen journalism A Bruns, T Highfield Produsing Theory in a Digital World: The Intersection of Audiences and …, 2012 | 382 | 2012 |
Is Habermas on Twitter? Social Media and the Public Sphere A Bruns, T Highfield The Routledge Companion to Social Media and Politics, 56-73, 2016 | 352 | 2016 |
More than a backchannel: Twitter and television S Harrington, T Highfield, A Bruns Audience Interactivity and Participation, 13-17, 2012 | 311 | 2012 |
Political Networks on Twitter: Tweeting the Queensland state election A Bruns, T Highfield Information, Communication & Society, 2013 | 295 | 2013 |
Never Gonna GIF You Up: Analyzing the cultural significance of the animated GIF KM Miltner, T Highfield Social Media + Society 3 (3), 2017 | 252 | 2017 |
Visualising the ends of identity: pre-birth and post-death on Instagram T Leaver, T Highfield Information, Communication & Society 21 (1), 30-45, 2018 | 139 | 2018 |
Mapping the Australian networked public sphere A Bruns, J Burgess, T Highfield, L Kirchhoff, T Nicolai Social Science Computer Review 29 (3), 277-287, 2011 | 114 | 2011 |
News via Voldemort: Parody accounts in topical discussions on Twitter T Highfield New Media & Society, 1461444815576703, 2015 | 85 | 2015 |
18. From news blogs to news on Twitter: gatewatching and collaborative news curation A Bruns, T Highfield Handbook of Digital Politics, 325, 2015 | 84 | 2015 |
Occupy Oakland and# oo: Uses of Twitter within the Occupy movement S Croeser, T Highfield First Monday 19 (3), 2014 | 75 | 2014 |
A ‘big data’approach to mapping the Australian Twittersphere A Bruns, J Burgess, T Highfield Advancing Digital Humanities, 113-129, 2014 | 53 | 2014 |
Tweeted Joke Lifespans and Appropriated Punch Lines: Practices Around Topical Humor on Social Media T Highfield International Journal of Communication 9, 22, 2015 | 52 | 2015 |
Emoji hashtags//hashtag emoji: Of platforms, visual affect, and discursive flexibility T Highfield First Monday 23 (9), 2018 | 42 | 2018 |
Challenges of tracking topical discussion networks online T Highfield, L Kirchhoff, T Nicolai Social Science Computer Review 29 (3), 340-353, 2011 | 37 | 2011 |