Gerd Van Den Eede
Gerd Van Den Eede
Docent Management en Economie, KU Leuven & Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles
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Multiple perspectives on planning for emergencies: An introduction to the special issue on planning and foresight for emergency preparedness and management
M Turoff, SR Hiltz, VA Bañuls, G Van Den Eede
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 80 (9), 1647-1656, 2013
Humanitarian information management and systems
B Van de Walle, G Van Den Eede, W Muhren
International Workshop on Mobile Information Technology for Emergency …, 2008
Making sense of media synchronicity in humanitarian crises
WJ Muhren, G Van Den Eede, B Van de Walle
IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 52 (4), 377-397, 2009
Reexamining threat rigidity: implications for design
L Plotnick, M Turoff, G Van Den Eede
2009 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1-10, 2009
Organizational learning for the incident management process: Lessons from high reliability organizations
WJ Muhren, G Van Den Eede, BV de Walle
Sensemaking as a methodology for ISCRAM research: Information processing in an ongoing crisis
W Muhren, G Van Den Eede, B Van de Walle
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Systems for …, 2008
Dealing with risk in incident management: an application of high reliability theory
G Van Den Eede, B Van de Walle, A Rutkowski
Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2006
Combining flexibility and reliability for mainstream organisational learning
G Van Den Eede, D Kenis, B Van de Walle
Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Knowledge Management, 851-860, 2004
Operational risk in incident management: a cross-fertilisation between ISCRAM and IT governance
GGP van den Eede, BA Van de Walle
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information Systems for …, 2005
The effect of group support systems on the emergence of unique information in a risk management process: A field study
AF Rutkowski, B Van de Walle, G Van Den Eede
Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2006
Two cases in high reliability organizing: A hermeneutic reconceptualization
GGP Van Den Eede
CentER, Tilburg University, 2009
A systems perspective on security risk identification: methodology and illustrations from city councils
P Berghmans, G Van Den Eede, B Van de Walle
ISCRAM2008 proceedings, 266-275, 2008
Incident response information systems capability: The role of the DERMIS design principles
GGP van den Eede, R Smals, WJ Muhren, BA van de Walle
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information Systems for …, 2006
IS capability for incident management and the DERMIS design premises
G Van Den Eede, W Muhren, R Smals, B Van de Walle
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information Systems for …, 2006
Design for complexity: Is reliability seen from an error perspective
G Van Den Eede, WJ Muhren, B Van de Walle
Proceedings of the 3rd International ISCRAM China Workshop, Harbin, 220-231, 2008
Special Issue on “Planning and foresight methodologies in emergency preparedness and management”
M Turoff, SR Hiltz, VA Bañuls, G Van Den Eede
Technological Forecasting & Social Change 1 (79), 2, 2012
Managing Complexity and Tight-Coupling
D Van Lindt, G Van Den Eede, B Van de Walle
Internal Electrabel, Date: 2008/01/01-2008/01/01, Location: Antwerp, 1-36, 2008
Ziende blind: over het waarom van crises en hoe ze te vermijden
K Stouthuysen, G Van Den Eede
Tijdschrift voor Economie en Management 52 (4), 589, 2007
Analyzing the Incident Managing Process: A High Reliability Theory and Sensemaking Perspective
D Van Lindt, G Van Den Eede, B Van de Walle
KBC Internal, Date: 2007/01/01-2007/01/01, 2007
The Effect of Group Support Systems on the Emergence of Unique Information in a Risk Management Process: A Field Study
B van de Walle, G van den Eede, AF Rutkowski
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Articles 1–20