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Limitations of ICA for artefact removal
D Djuwari, DK Kumar, M Palaniswami
2005 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology 27th Annual Conference, 4685-4688, 2006
Strategies to identify muscle fatigue from SEMG during cycling
VP Singh, DK Kumar, D Djuwari, B Polus, S Fraser, J Hawley, SL Giudice
Proceedings of the 2004 Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information …, 2004
Limitations and applications of ICA for surface electromyogram
GR Naik, DK Kumar, SP Arjunan, M Palaniswami, R Begg
2006 International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2006
EEG coherence changes between right and left motor cortical areas during voluntary muscular contraction
AA Abdul-Latif, I Cosic, DK Kumar, B Polus, N Pah, D Djuwari
Australasian Physics & Engineering Sciences in Medicine 27, 11-15, 2004
The induced rhythmic oscillations of neural activity in the human brain
D Cvetkovic, I Cosic, D Djuwari
Proc. IASTED (BIOMED) Conf, 2004
Multi-step independent component analysis for removing cardiac artefacts from back semg signals
D Djuwari, D Kumar, B Polus, S Ragupathy
The 8th Australian & New Zealand Intelligent Information Systems Conference, 2003
Limitations and applications of ICA for surface electromyogram for identifying hand gestures
D Djuwari, DK Kumar, SP Arjunan, GR Naik
International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications 7 (03 …, 2008
Karantonis, DM, Cloherty, SL, Lovell, NH, Mason, DG, Salamonsen, RF and Ayre, PJ, Noninvasive detection of suction in an implantable rotary blood pump using neural networks 3 …
DK Kumar, D Djuwari, DTH Lai, R Begg, M Palaniswami, HK Lam, ...
International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications 7 (4 …, 2008
ICA for Biosignal Analysis and Intelligent Sensor Network
D Djuwari
RMIT University, 2005
Variation of SEMG during sprint cycling
VP Singh, DK Kumar, D Djuwari, B Polus, S Fraser, J Hawley, SL Giudice
Proceedings of the 2004 Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information …, 2004
Corticomuscular coherence after muscle fatigue
AA Abdul-latif, I Cosic, DK Kumar, B Polus, D Djuwari
Biomedical Engineering, 2004
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Articles 1–11