Peter Radecki
Peter Radecki
Transmission Development Engineer, General Motors
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Cited by
Online building thermal parameter estimation via unscented Kalman filtering
BH P. Radecki
American Control Conference, 2012
All weather perception: Joint data association, tracking, and classification for autonomous ground vehicles
P Radecki, M Campbell, K Matzen
arXiv preprint arXiv:1605.02196, 2016
Online model estimation for predictive thermal control of buildings
P Radecki, B Hencey
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 25 (4), 1414-1422, 2016
Vibration suppression in cutting tools using a collocated piezoelectric sensor/actuator with an adaptive control algorithm
GPMTB Peter P. Radecki, Kevin M. Farinholt
Journal of Vibrations and Acoustics, 2010
Online thermal estimation, control, and self-excitation of buildings
P Radecki, B Hencey
52nd ieee conference on decision and control, 4802-4807, 2013
Torque converter clutch control system health estimation
S Duan, CJ Lee, Z Zhang, PP Radecki, X Jia
US Patent 10,948,079, 2021
Robustness of optimized collision avoidance logic to modeling errors
MJ Kochenderfer, JP Chryssanthacopoulos, PP Radecki
29th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, 3. B. 3-1-3. B. 3-10, 2010
Improving a turning process using piezoelectric actuators
P Radecki, W Kruse, A Welsh, E Moro, G Park, M Bement
Proceedings of the IMAC-XXVII, 2009
Self-excitation: An enabler for online thermal estimation and model predictive control of buildings
P Radecki, B Hencey
arXiv preprint arXiv:1512.08169, 2015
Nanosatellite Attitude Control System for the Oculus: A Space-Based Imaging Platform for Space Situational Awareness
M Farmer, G Parker, L King, P Radecki, J Katalenich
A Methodology for the Early Diagnosis of Vehicle Torque Converter Clutch Degradation
X Jia, S Duan, C Lee, P Radecki, J Lee
2019 IEEE 15th International Conference on Automation Science and …, 2019
An interactive simulation for a fluid-powered legged search and rescue robot
WJ Book, HG Daepp, TY Kim, PP Radecki
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2010
The Oculus: A Nanosatellite for Space Situational Awareness
L King, P Hohnstadt, J Katalenich, P Radecki, T Venturino
Applied probabilistic inference: Model estimation for HVAC predictive controls and all-weather perception for autonomous vehicles
PP Radecki
Cornell University, 2016
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Articles 1–14