Mario Andres Fernandez
Mario Andres Fernandez
Dairy NZ
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Cited by
Cited by
An Environmental Kuznets Curve for N2O emissions in Germany: an ARDL approach
MA Zambrano‐Monserrate, MA Fernandez
Natural resources forum 41 (2), 119-127, 2017
The changing face of environmental amenities: Heterogeneity across housing submarkets and time
MA Fernandez, S Bucaram
Land use policy 83, 449-460, 2019
Assessing local vulnerability to climate change in Ecuador
MA Fernandez, SJ Bucaram, W Renteria
SpringerPlus 4, 1-20, 2015
Price effects of the special housing areas in Auckland
MA Fernandez, GE Sánchez, S Bucaram
New Zealand Economic Papers 55 (1), 141-154, 2021
Value of decadal climate variability information for agriculture in the Missouri River basin
MA Fernandez, P Huang, B McCarl, V Mehta
Climatic Change, 2016
Erosion mitigation in the Waikato District, New Zealand: economic implications for agriculture
MA Fernandez, A Daigneault
Agricultural economics 48 (3), 341-361, 2017
Adoption of erosion management practices in New Zealand
M Fernandez
Land Use Policy 63 (April 2017), 236-245, 2017
The price premium of heritage in the housing market: Evidence from Auckland, New Zealand
D Bade, JG Castillo, MA Fernandez, J Aguilar-Bohorquez
Land Use Policy 99, 105042, 2020
Changes in Amenity Values after COVID‐19 Lockdowns in Auckland, New Zealand
L Cheung, MA Fernandez
Economic Papers: A journal of applied economics and policy 40 (4), 331-350, 2021
(Non-) robustness of vulnerability assessments to climate change: An application to New Zealand
MA Fernandez, S Bucaram, W Renteria
Journal of environmental management 203, 400-412, 2017
Relación entre el conocimiento de los mecanismos de transmisión del VIH y la percepción del riesgo de infección en Guayaquil, Ecuador
MA Fernández
Rev. chil. salud pública, 107-114, 2012
What’s so special about character?
MA Fernandez, SL Martin
Urban Studies 57 (16), 3236-3251, 2020
The Paris Agreement and its impact on cattle and food sectors of New Zealand
M Fernandez, A Daigneault
Journal New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 2016
An assessment of vulnerability to climate change in Auckland
MA Fernandez, N Golubiewski
Auckland Council, Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau, 2019
A review of applications of hedonic pricing models in the New Zealand housing market
MA Fernandez
Auckland Council, 2019
The climate mitigation, adaptation and trade in dynamic general equilibrium (CliMAT-DGE) model
M Fernandez, A Daigneault
Landcare Research Contract Report LC2156 prepared for the Ministry for the …, 2015
A matching simulation to assess additional housing capacity in Auckland
MA Fernandez
New zealand economic papers 54 (1), 67-88, 2020
Money does grow on trees: Impacts of the Paris agreement on the New Zealand economy
MA Fernandez, AJ Daigneault
Climate Change Economics 9 (03), 1850005, 2018
Climate change and food security
BA McCarl
A double win: New pathways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve water quality in New Zealand
MA Fernandez, AJ Daigneault
Environmental Research Letters 15 (7), 074004, 2020
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Articles 1–20