Mário Sérgio Galhiane
Mário Sérgio Galhiane
UNESP- Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho
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Supercritical fluid extraction for pesticide multiresidue analysis in honey: determination by gas chromatography with electron-capture and mass spectrometry detection
SR Rissato, MS Galhiane, FRN Knoll, BM Apon
Journal of Chromatography A 1048 (2), 153-159, 2004
Multiresidue determination of pesticides in honey samples by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry and application in environmental contamination
SR Rissato, MS Galhiane, MV de Almeida, M Gerenutti, BM Apon
Food Chemistry 101 (4), 1719-1726, 2007
The oxidation of apocynin catalyzed by myeloperoxidase: proposal for NADPH oxidase inhibition
VF Ximenes, MPP Kanegae, SR Rissato, MS Galhiane
Archives of biochemistry and biophysics 457 (2), 134-141, 2007
Organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in soil and water samples in the Northeastern part of São Paulo State, Brazil
SR Rissato, MS Galhiane, VF Ximenes, RMB De Andrade, JLB Talamoni, ...
Chemosphere 65 (11), 1949-1958, 2006
Multiresidue Analysis of pesticides in soil by supercritical fluid extraction/gas chromatography with electron-capture detection and confirmation by gas chromatography− mass …
SR Rissato, MS Galhiane, BM Apon, MSP Arruda
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 53 (1), 62-69, 2005
Evaluation of Ricinus communis L. for the Phytoremediation of Polluted Soil with Organochlorine Pesticides
SR Rissato, MS Galhiane, JR Fernandes, M Gerenutti, HM Gomes, ...
BioMed research international 2015 (1), 549863, 2015
Extrações de óleos de sementes de citros e suas atividades sobre a formiga cortadeira Atta sexdens e seu fungo simbionte
JB Fernandes, V David, PH Facchini, M Silva, E Rodrigues Filho, ...
Química nova 25, 1091-1095, 2002
Development of a supercritical fluid extraction method for simultaneous determination of organophosphorus, organohalogen, organonitrogen and pyretroids pesticides in fruit and …
SR Rissato, MS Galhiane, AG Souza, BM Apon
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society 16, 1038-1047, 2005
Método multirresíduo para monitoramento de contaminação ambiental de pesticidas na região de Bauru (SP) usando mel como bio-indicador
SR Rissato, MS Galhiane, FRN Knoll, RMB Andrade, MV Almeida
Química Nova 29, 950-955, 2006
Determination of 2, 4-D and Dicamba in food crops by MEKC
FM Lanças, SR Rissato, MS Galhiane
Chromatographia 50, 35-40, 1999
Thermal behaviour of curcumin
RA Fugita, DA Gálico, RB Guerra, GL Perpétuo, O Treu-Filho, ...
Braz J Therm Anal 1 (1), 19-23, 2012
Off-line SFE-CZE analysis of carbamates residues in tobacco samples
FM Lanças, SR Rissato, MS Galhiane
Chromatographia 42, 323-328, 1996
Influence of different extraction methods on the yield and linalool content of the extracts of Eugenia uniflora L.
MS Galhiane, SR Rissato, GO Chierice, MV Almeida, LC Silva
Talanta 70 (2), 286-292, 2006
Polymeric precursor method to the synthesis of XWO4 (X= Ca and Sr) thin films—Structural, microstructural and spectroscopic investigations
FM Pontes, MS Galhiane, LS Santos, LA Petit, FP Kataoka, GH Mabuchi, ...
Journal of alloys and compounds 477 (1-2), 608-615, 2009
Analysis of carbaryl and carbofuran in tobacco samples by HRGC, HPLC, and CZE
FM Lanças, SR Rissato, MS Galhiane
Journal of High Resolution Chromatography 19 (4), 200-206, 1996
Essential oil composition of Aloysia gratissima from Brazil
G Trovati, GO Chierice, EA Sanches, MS Galhiane
Journal of Essential Oil Research 21 (4), 325-326, 2009
Supercritical fluid extraction of chlorothalonil residues from apples
FM Lanças, MA Barbirato, MS Galhiane, SR Rissato
Chromatographia 42, 547-550, 1996
Thermoanalytical study of nimesulide and their recrystallization products obtained from solutions of several alcohols
DA Gálico, GL Perpétuo, RAE Castro, O Treu-Filho, AO Legendre, ...
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 115, 2385-2390, 2014
Supercritical fluid extraction of oxadixyl from food crops
FM Lanças, MS Galhiane, MA Barbirato
Chromatographia 39, 11-14, 1994
Extraction of norflurazon residues in cotton seeds with supercritical CO2
FM Lanças, MA Barbirato, MS Galhiane
Chromatographia 40, 432-434, 1995
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Articles 1–20