The record industry: the growth of a mass medium P Gronow Popular music 3, 53-75, 1983 | 223 | 1983 |
The record industry comes to the Orient P Gronow Ethnomusicology 25 (2), 251-284, 1981 | 181 | 1981 |
Ethnic recordings: an introduction P Gronow na, 1982 | 65 | 1982 |
Inventing recorded music: the recorded repertoire in Scandinavia 18991925 P Gronow, B Englund Popular music 26 (2), 281-304, 2007 | 41 | 2007 |
Ethnic music and Soviet record industry P Gronow Ethnomusicology, 91-99, 1975 | 27 | 1975 |
Popular music in Finland: a preliminary survey P Gronow Ethnomusicology, 52-71, 1973 | 22 | 1973 |
The Worlds Greatest Sound Archive.: 78 RPM Records as a Source for Musicological Research P Gronow Traditiones 43 (2), 31-49, 2014 | 21 | 2014 |
The record industry in Finland, 19451960 P Gronow Popular Music 14 (1), 33-53, 1995 | 14 | 1995 |
Kulttuuripolitiikan käsikirja: 2 kaaviopiirrosta P Gronow Otava, 1976 | 13 | 1976 |
The Record Industry: the Growth of a Mass Medium‟ P Gronow Popular Music: Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies 1, 108-30, 2004 | 12 | 2004 |
International trends in popular music P Gronow Ethnomusicology, 313-316, 1969 | 10 | 1969 |
Kahdeksas taide: suomalaisen radioilmaisun historia 1923-1970 P Gronow Avain, 2010 | 9 | 2010 |
The Introduction of phonogram market in Portugal: Lindström labels and local traders (18791925) L Losa, S Belchior, P Gronow, C Hofer The Lindström Project: Contributions to the History of the Record Industry
, 2010 | 8 | 2010 |
Populaarikulttuuri M Alestalo, K Eskola, P Gronow Teoksessa: Tommila, Päiviö ym.(toim.), 627-672, 1982 | 8 | 1982 |
Phonograph Records as a Source for Musicological Research P Gronow Ethnomusicology 7 (3), 225-228, 1963 | 8 | 1963 |
Kahdeksas taide P Gronow Suomalaisen radioilmaisun historia 1970, 1923-1970, 1923 | 8 | 1923 |
78 kierrosta minuutissa: Äänilevyn historia 18771960 P Gronow Klaava Media, 2015 | 7 | 2015 |
The Lindström Project: Contributions to the History of the Record Industry P Gronow Gesellschaft für Historische Tonträger eV, 2009 | 5 | 2009 |
Viestinnän tulevaisuus P Gronow Työväen sivistysliitto, 1985 | 5 | 1985 |
Statistics in the field of sound recordings P Gronow UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, 1981 | 5 | 1981 |