Shaahin Hessabi
Shaahin Hessabi
Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Iran
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Cited by
PyCM: Multiclass confusion matrix library in Python
S Haghighi, M Jasemi, S Hessabi, A Zolanvari
Journal of Open Source Software 3 (25), 729, 2018
An empirical investigation of mesh and torus NoC topologies under different routing algorithms and traffic models
M Mirza-Aghatabar, S Koohi, S Hessabi, M Pedram
10th Euromicro conference on digital system design architectures, methods …, 2007
A low-power single-ended SRAM in FinFET technology
SS Ensan, MH Moaiyeri, M Moghaddam, S Hessabi
AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 99, 361-368, 2019
All-optical wavelength-routed NoC based on a novel hierarchical topology
S Koohi, M Abdollahi, S Hessabi
Proceedings of the Fifth ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Networks-on …, 2011
A survey of fault-tolerance techniques for embedded systems from the perspective of power, energy, and thermal issues
S Safari, M Ansari, H Khdr, P Gohari-Nazari, S Yari-Karin, ...
IEEE Access 10, 12229-12251, 2022
QuT: A low-power optical network-on-chip
PK Hamedani, NE Jerger, S Hessabi
2014 Eighth IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip (NoCS), 80-87, 2014
On the scheduling of energy-aware fault-tolerant mixed-criticality multicore systems with service guarantee exploration
S Safari, M Ansari, G Ershadi, S Hessabi
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 30 (10), 2338-2354, 2019
Toot: an efficient and scalable power-gating method for noc routers
H Farrokhbakht, M Taram, B Khaleghi, S Hessabi
2016 Tenth IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip (NOCS), 1-8, 2016
All-optical wavelength-routed architecture for a power-efficient network on chip
S Koohi, S Hessabi
IEEE Transactions on Computers 63 (3), 777-792, 2012
A robust and low-power near-threshold SRAM in 10-nm FinFET technology
SS Ensan, MH Moaiyeri, S Hessabi
Analog integrated circuits and signal processing 94, 497-506, 2018
Exploration of temperature constraints for thermal aware mapping of 3D networks on chip
PK Hamedani, S Hessabi, H Sarbazi-Azad, NE Jerger
2012 20th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and …, 2012
A performance and power analysis of WK-recursive and mesh networks for network-on-chips
D Rahmati, AE Kiasari, S Hessabi, H Sarbazi-Azad
2006 International Conference on Computer Design, 142-147, 2006
AdapNoC: A fast and flexible FPGA-based NoC simulator
HM Kamali, S Hessabi
2016 26th international conference on field programmable logic and …, 2016
LESS-MICS: A low energy standby-sparing scheme for mixed-criticality systems
S Safari, S Hessabi, G Ershadi
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and …, 2020
Contention-free on-chip routing of optical packets
S Koohi, S Hessabi
2009 3rd ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip, 134-143, 2009
A Markovian performance model for networks-on-chip
AE Kiasari, D Rahmati, H Sarbazi-Azad, S Hessabi
16th Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based …, 2008
DuCNoC: A high-throughput FPGA-based NoC simulator using dual-clock lightweight router micro-architecture
HM Kamali, KZ Azar, S Hessabi
IEEE Transactions on Computers 67 (2), 208-221, 2017
Power-efficient deterministic and adaptive routing in torus networks-on-chip
D Rahmati, H Sarbazi-Azad, S Hessabi, AE Kiasari
Microprocessors and Microsystems 36 (7), 571-585, 2012
TherMa-MiCs: Thermal-aware scheduling for fault-tolerant mixed-criticality systems
S Safari, H Khdr, P Gohari-Nazari, M Ansari, S Hessabi, J Henkel
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 33 (7), 1678-1694, 2021
A low-leakage and high-writable SRAM cell with back-gate biasing in FinFET technology
S Sayyah Ensan, MH Moaiyeri, B Ebrahimi, S Hessabi, A Afzali-Kusha
Journal of Computational Electronics 18, 519-526, 2019
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Articles 1–20