Shane Lee
Shane Lee
Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery, Alpert Medical School at Brown University
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Neural mechanisms of transient neocortical beta rhythms: Converging evidence from humans, computational modeling, monkeys, and mice
MA Sherman, S Lee, R Law, S Haegens, CA Thorn, MS Hämäläinen, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (33), E4885-E4894, 2016
Neurosystems: brain rhythms and cognitive processing
J Cannon, MM McCarthy, S Lee, J Lee, C Börgers, MA Whittington, ...
European Journal of Neuroscience 39 (5), 705-719, 2014
Rates and rhythms: a synergistic view of frequency and temporal coding in neuronal networks
M Ainsworth, S Lee, MO Cunningham, RD Traub, NJ Kopell, ...
Neuron 75 (4), 572-583, 2012
Dual gamma rhythm generators control interlaminar synchrony in auditory cortex
M Ainsworth, S Lee, MO Cunningham, AK Roopun, RD Traub, NJ Kopell, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (47), 17040-17051, 2011
Distinguishing mechanisms of gamma frequency oscillations in human current source signals using a computational model of a laminar neocortical network
S Lee, SR Jones
Frontiers in human neuroscience 7, 869, 2013
Subdural hematoma as a major determinant of short-term outcomes in traumatic brain injury
JJ Lee, DJ Segar, JF Morrison, WM Mangham, S Lee, WF Asaad
Journal of neurosurgery 128 (1), 236-249, 2017
Thalamocortical control of propofol phase-amplitude coupling
AE Soplata, MM McCarthy, J Sherfey, S Lee, PL Purdon, EN Brown, ...
PLoS computational biology 13 (12), e1005879, 2017
Cortical gamma rhythms modulate NMDAR-mediated spike timing dependent plasticity in a biophysical model
S Lee, K Sen, N Kopell
PLoS computational biology 5 (12), e1000602, 2009
Lesion location and lesion creation affect outcomes after focused ultrasound thalamotomy
DJ Segar, AM Lak, S Lee, M Harary, V Chavakula, P Lauro, N McDannold, ...
Brain 144 (10), 3089-3100, 2021
Thalamocortical mechanisms regulating the relationship between transient beta events and human tactile perception
RG Law, S Pugliese, H Shin, DD Sliva, S Lee, S Neymotin, C Moore, ...
Cerebral Cortex 32 (4), 668-688, 2022
Subthalamic–cortical network reorganization during Parkinson's tremor
PM Lauro, S Lee, U Akbar, WF Asaad
Journal of Neuroscience 41 (47), 9844-9858, 2021
GABAB receptor-mediated, layer-specific synaptic plasticity reorganizes gamma-frequency neocortical response to stimulation
M Ainsworth, S Lee, M Kaiser, J Simonotto, NJ Kopell, MA Whittington
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (19), E2721-E2729, 2016
DBStar: an open-source tool kit for imaging analysis with patient-customized deep brain stimulation platforms
PM Lauro, S Lee, M Ahn, A Barborica, WF Asaad
Stereotactic and functional neurosurgery 96 (1), 13-21, 2018
Rapid motor fluctuations reveal short-timescale neurophysiological biomarkers of Parkinson’s disease
M Ahn, S Lee, PM Lauro, EL Schaeffer, U Akbar, WF Asaad
Journal of neural engineering 17 (4), 046042, 2020
A low-cost solution for quantification of movement during DBS surgery
EL Schaeffer, DY Liu, J Guerin, M Ahn, S Lee, WF Asaad
Journal of neuroscience methods 303, 136-145, 2018
Multi-Dimensional, Short-Timescale Quantification of Parkinson's Disease and Essential Tremor Motor Dysfunction
JB Sanderson, JH Yu, DD Liu, D Amaya, PM Lauro, A D'Abreu, U Akbar, ...
Frontiers in Neurology 11, 886, 2020
Concurrent decoding of distinct neurophysiological fingerprints of tremor and bradykinesia in Parkinson’s disease
PM Lauro, S Lee, DE Amaya, DD Liu, U Akbar, WF Asaad
Elife 12, e84135, 2023
Computational modeling to improve treatments for essential tremor
S Lee, WF Asaad, SR Jones
Drug Discovery Today: Disease Models 19, 19-25, 2016
Biophysical modeling of VIM to assess contributions of oscillatory activity to essential tremor
S Lee, DJ Segar, W Asaad, S Jones
bioRxiv, 2019
The design of clinical studies for neuromodulation
WF Asaad, PM Lauro, S Lee
Stereotactic and functional neurosurgery: principles and applications, 523-540, 2020
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Articles 1–20