Andrea Bishop
Andrea Bishop
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Olive oil volatile compounds, flavour development and quality: A critical review
CM Kalua, MS Allen, DR Bedgood, AG Bishop, PD Prenzler, K Robards
Food chemistry 100 (1), 273-286, 2007
Implementing Web 2.0 technologies in higher education: A collective case study
S Bennett, A Bishop, B Dalgarno, J Waycott, G Kennedy
Computers & Education 59 (2), 524-534, 2012
The net generation are not big users of Web 2.0 technologies: Preliminary findings
G Kennedy, B Dalgarno, K Gray, T Judd, J Waycott, SJ Bennett, KA Maton, ...
Analytical chemistry of freshwater humic substances
S McDonald, AG Bishop, PD Prenzler, K Robards
Analytica Chimica Acta 527 (2), 105-124, 2004
Effectiveness of a virtual laboratory as a preparatory resource for distance education chemistry students
B Dalgarno, AG Bishop, W Adlong, DR Bedgood
Computers & Education 53 (3), 853-865, 2009
The influence of lithium salt on the interfacial reactions controlling the thermal stability of graphite anodes
AM Andersson, M Herstedt, AG Bishop, K Edström
Electrochimica Acta 47 (12), 1885-1898, 2002
Endogenous biophenol, fatty acid and volatile profiles of selected oils
Z Haiyan, DR Bedgood, AG Bishop, PD Prenzler, K Robards
Food chemistry 100 (4), 1544-1551, 2007
Ion diffusion in molten salt mixtures
H Every, AG Bishop, M Forsyth, DR MacFarlane
Electrochimica Acta 45 (8), 1279-1284, 2000
Surface Analysis of LiMn2 O 4 Electrodes in Carbonate-Based Electrolytes
T Eriksson, AM Andersson, AG Bishop, C Gejke, T Gustafsson, ...
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 149 (1), A69-A78, 2002
Educating the net generation. A handbook of findings for practice and policy
G Kennedy, B Dalgarno, S Bennett, K Gray, J Waycott, T Judd, A Bishop, ...
Australian Learning and Teaching Council, 2009
Transport properties in a family of dialkylimidazolium ionic liquids
HA Every, AG Bishop, DR MacFarlane, G Orädd, M Forsyth
Physical chemistry chemical physics 6 (8), 1758-1765, 2004
Questioning the net generation: A collaborative project in Australian higher education
G Kennedy, KL Krause, K Gray, T Judd, SJ Bennett, KA Maton, ...
Changes in volatile and phenolic compounds with malaxation time and temperature during virgin olive oil production
CM Kalua, DR Bedgood, AG Bishop, PD Prenzler
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 54 (20), 7641-7651, 2006
LC-MS investigation of oxidation products of phenolic antioxidants
M Antolovich, DR Bedgood, AG Bishop, D Jardine, PD Prenzler, ...
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 52 (4), 962-971, 2004
Discrimination of olive oils and fruits into cultivars and maturity stages based on phenolic and volatile compounds
CM Kalua, MS Allen, DR Bedgood, AG Bishop, PD Prenzler
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 53 (20), 8054-8062, 2005
FT-IR investigation of ion association in plasticized solid polymer electrolytes
AG Bishop, DR MacFarlane, D McNaughton, M Forsyth
The Journal of Physical Chemistry 100 (6), 2237-2243, 1996
The potential of virtual laboratories for distance education science teaching: reflections from the development and evaluation of a virtual chemistry laboratory
B Dalgarno, AG Bishop, DR Bedgood Jr
Proceedings of The Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics …, 2012
The potential of virtual laboratories for distance education science teaching: reflections from the development and evaluation of a virtual chemistry laboratory
B Dalgarno, AG Bishop, DR Bedgood Jr
UniServe Science Improving Learning Outcomes Symposium Proceedings, Sydney 3, 2003
Carbon electrode morphology and thermal stability of the passivation layer
K Edström, AM Andersson, A Bishop, L Fransson, J Lindgren, ...
Journal of power sources 97, 87-91, 2001
Effect of added caffeic acid and tyrosol on the fatty acid and volatile profiles of camellia oil following heating
Z Haiyan, DR Bedgood, AG Bishop, PD Prenzler, K Robards
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 54 (25), 9551-9558, 2006
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Articles 1–20