Jaime Napier
Jaime Napier
New York University Abu Dhabi
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Cited by
Political ideology: Its structure, functions, and elective affinities
JT Jost, CM Federico, JL Napier
Annual review of psychology 60 (1), 307-337, 2009
God and the government: testing a compensatory control mechanism for the support of external systems.
AC Kay, D Gaucher, JL Napier, MJ Callan, K Laurin
Journal of personality and social psychology 95 (1), 18, 2008
Are needs to manage uncertainty and threat associated with political conservatism or ideological extremity?
JT Jost, JL Napier, H Thorisdottir, SD Gosling, TP Palfai, B Ostafin
Personality and social psychology bulletin 33 (7), 989-1007, 2007
Why are conservatives happier than liberals?
JL Napier, JT Jost
Psychological Science 19 (6), 565-572, 2008
A bed of thorns: Female leaders and the self-reinforcing cycle of illegitimacy
AC Vial, JL Napier, VL Brescoll
The Leadership Quarterly 27 (3), 400-414, 2016
The “antidemocratic personality” revisited: A cross‐national investigation of working‐class authoritarianism
JL Napier, JT Jost
Journal of Social issues 64 (3), 595-617, 2008
The joy of sexism? A multinational investigation of hostile and benevolent justifications for gender inequality and their relations to subjective well-being
JL Napier, H Thorisdottir, JT Jost
Sex roles 62, 405-419, 2010
Reconstruing intolerance: Abstract thinking reduces conservatives’ prejudice against nonnormative groups
JB Luguri, JL Napier, JF Dovidio
Psychological science 23 (7), 756-763, 2012
System justification in responding to the poor and displaced in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina
JL Napier, AN Mandisodza, SM Andersen, JT Jost
Analyses of social issues and public policy 6 (1), 57-73, 2006
Moral mind-sets: Abstract thinking increases a preference for “individualizing” over “binding” moral foundations
JL Napier, JB Luguri
Social Psychological and Personality Science 4 (6), 754-759, 2013
Predictors of attitudes toward gay men and lesbian women in 23 countries
ML Bettinsoli, A Suppes, JL Napier
Social Psychological and Personality Science 11 (5), 697-708, 2020
System justification and the defense of committed relationship ideology.
MV Day, AC Kay, JG Holmes, JL Napier
Journal of personality and social psychology 101 (2), 291, 2011
Political ideologies and their social psychological functions
JT Jost, CM Federico, JL Napier
The Oxford handbook of political ideologies, 232-250, 2013
The palliative effects of system justification on the health and happiness of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals
A Suppes, JL Napier, J van der Toorn
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 45 (3), 372-388, 2019
Denial of gender discrimination is associated with better subjective well‐being among women: A system justification account
JL Napier, A Suppes, ML Bettinsoli
European Journal of Social Psychology 50 (6), 1191-1209, 2020
Mental health conditions of Italian healthcare professionals during the COVID‐19 disease outbreak
ML Bettinsoli, D Di Riso, JL Napier, L Moretti, P Bettinsoli, M Delmedico, ...
Applied Psychology: Health and Well‐Being 12 (4), 1054-1073, 2020
System justification as conscious and nonconscious goal pursuit.
JT Jost, J Pietrzak, I Liviatan, AN Mandisodza, JL Napier
The Guilford Press, 2008
Unnecessary frills: Communality as a nice (but expendable) trait in leaders
AC Vial, JL Napier
Frontiers in Psychology 9, 381384, 2018
Does moral conviction really override concerns about procedural justice? A reexamination of the value protection model
JL Napier, TR Tyler
Social justice research 21, 509-528, 2008
Cultural differences in targets of stigmatization between individual-and group-oriented cultures
H Shin, JF Dovidio, JL Napier
Social Psychological Perspectives on Stigma, 98-108, 2016
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Articles 1–20