Alissa Melinger
Alissa Melinger
University of Dundee
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Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science
Open Science Collaboration
Science 349 (6251), aac4716, 2015
Semantic context effects in language production: A swinging lexical network proposal and a review
R Abdel Rahman, A Melinger
Language and Cognitive Processes 24 (5), 713-734, 2009
Gesture and the communicative intention of the speaker
A Melinger, WJM Levelt
Gesture 4 (2), 119-141, 2004
When bees hamper the production of honey: lexical interference from associates in speech production.
R Abdel Rahman, A Melinger
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 33 (3), 604, 2007
Conceptualisation load triggers gesture production
A Melinger, S Kita
Language and cognitive processes 22 (4), 473-500, 2007
Electrophysiological chronometry of semantic context effects in language production
S Aristei, A Melinger, RA Rahman
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 23 (7), 1567-1586, 2011
Lexically-driven syntactic priming
A Melinger, C Dobel
Cognition 98 (1), B11-B20, 2005
Bilingual advantage, bidialectal advantage or neither? Comparing performance across three tests of executive function in middle childhood
J Ross, A Melinger
Developmental science 20 (4), e12405, 2017
The dynamic microstructure of speech production: semantic interference built on the fly.
R Abdel Rahman, A Melinger
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 37 (1), 149, 2011
The closer they are, the more they interfere: Semantic similarity of word distractors increases competition in language production.
SB Rose, S Aristei, A Melinger, R Abdel Rahman
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 45 (4), 753, 2019
Semantic processing during language production: an update of the swinging lexical network
R Abdel Rahman, A Melinger
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 34 (9), 1176-1192, 2019
Dismissing lexical competition does not make speaking any easier: A rejoinder to Mahon and Caramazza (2009)
R Abdel Rahman, A Melinger
Language and Cognitive Processes 24 (5), 749-760, 2009
Database of noun associations for German
A Melinger, A Weber
URL: www. coli. uni-saarland. de/projects/nag, 43, 2006
Holiday or vacation? The processing of variation in vocabulary across dialects
CD Martin, X Garcia, D Potter, A Melinger, A Costa
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 31 (3), 375-390, 2016
Constraints on the transfer of perceptual learning in accented speech
F Eisner, A Melinger, A Weber
Frontiers in Psychology 4, 148, 2013
Enhanced phonological facilitation and traces of concurrent word form activation in speech production: An object-naming study with multiple distractors
R Abdel Rahman, A Melinger
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 61 (9), 1410-1440, 2008
The influence of sentential position on noun phrase structure priming
A Melinger, AA Cleland
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 64 (11), 2211-2235, 2011
Lexical selection is competitive: Evidence from indirectly activated semantic associates during picture naming.
A Melinger, R Abdel Rahman
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 39 (2), 348, 2013
Grammatical and nongrammatical contributions to closed-class word selection.
F Alario, P Ayora, A Costa, A Melinger
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 34 (4), 960, 2008
An empirical characterisation of response types in German association norms
S Schulte im Walde, A Melinger, M Roth, A Weber
Research on Language and Computation 6, 205-238, 2008
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Articles 1–20