Hyoil Kim
Hyoil Kim
Professor, Dept. of EE, UNIST (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)
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Cited by
Efficient discovery of spectrum opportunities with MAC-layer sensing in cognitive radio networks
H Kim, KG Shin
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 7 (5), 533-545, 2008
In-band spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks: energy detection or feature detection?
H Kim, KG Shin
Proc. of ACM MobiCom, 2008
What and how much to gain by spectrum agility?
CT Chou, H Kim, KG Shin
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 25 (3), 576-588, 2007
Cognitive radios for dynamic spectrum access: from concept to reality
KG Shin, H Kim, AW Min, A Kumar
IEEE Wireless Communications 17 (6), 64-74, 2010
Fast discovery of spectrum opportunities in cognitive radio networks
H Kim, KG Shin
Proc. of IEEE DySPAN, 2008
Wi-Fi could be much more
W Sun, O Lee, Y Shin, S Kim, C Yang, H Kim, S Choi
IEEE Communications Magazine 52 (11), 22-29, 2014
Adaptive MAC-layer sensing of spectrum availability in cognitive radio networks
H Kim, KG Shin
The University of Michigan, Tech. Rep., 2006
In-band spectrum sensing in IEEE 802.22 WRANs for incumbent protection
H Kim, KG Shin
IEEE Transactions on mobile computing 9 (12), 1766-1779, 2010
QoE-aware Computation Offloading Scheduling to Capture Energy-Latency Tradeoff in Mobile Clouds
ST Hong, H Kim
Proc. of IEEE SECON, 2016
An experimental approach to spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks with off-the-shelf ieee 802.11 devices
H Kim, C Cordeiro, K Challapali, KG Shin
Proc. Fourth IEEE Consumer Comm. and Networking Conf. Workshop Cognitive …, 2007
X-Array: Approximating Omnidirectional Millimeter-Wave Coverage Using an Array of Phased Arrays
S Wang, J Huang, X Zhang, H Kim, S Dey
Proc. of ACM MobiCom, 2020
Optimal admission and eviction control of secondary users at cognitive radio hotspots
H Kim, KG Shin
Proc. of IEEE SECON, 2009
QoE-aware computation offloading to capture energy-latency-pricing tradeoff in mobile clouds
ST Hong, H Kim
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 18 (9), 2174-2189, 2019
Wi-fi 2.0: Price and quality competitions of duopoly cognitive radio wireless service providers with time-varying spectrum availability
H Kim, J Choi, KG Shin
2011 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 2453-2461, 2011
Performance analysis of license assisted access LTE with asymmetric hidden terminals
H Lee, H Kim, HJ Yang, JT Kim, SK Baek
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 17 (9), 2141-2154, 2018
Scheduling parallel tasks onto opportunistically available cloud resources
T He, S Chen, H Kim, L Tong, KW Lee
Proc. of IEEE CLOUD, 2012
Optimal Online Sensing Sequence in Multi-Channel Cognitive Radio Networks
H Kim, K Shin
Mobile Computing, IEEE Transactions on 12 (7), 1349-1362, 2013
Asymmetry-aware real-time distributed joint resource allocation in IEEE 802.22 WRANs
H Kim, KG Shin
2010 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 1-9, 2010
Understanding Wi-Fi 2.0: from the economical perspective of wireless service providers [Dynamic Spectrum Management]
H Kim, KG Shin
IEEE Wireless Communications 17 (4), 41-46, 2010
PolarScout: Wi-Fi interference-resilient ZigBee communication via shell-shaping
C Shao, H Park, H Roh, W Lee, H Kim
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 28 (4), 1587-1600, 2020
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Articles 1–20