Manuel Alejandro Caicedo-Silva
Manuel Alejandro Caicedo-Silva
Severo Ochoa Senior Postdoctoral Researcher at CIMNE - Universitat Poliècnica de Catalunya
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Cited by
High-performance model reduction techniques in computational multiscale homogenization
JA Hernández, J Oliver, AE Huespe, MA Caicedo, JC Cante
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 276, 149-189, 2014
Dimensional hyper-reduction of nonlinear finite element models via empirical cubature
JA Hernandez, MA Caicedo, A Ferrer
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 313, 687-722, 2017
Reduced order modeling strategies for computational multiscale fracture
J Oliver, M Caicedo, AE Huespe, JA Hernández, E Roubin
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 313, 560-595, 2017
Continuum approach to computational multiscale modeling of propagating fracture
J Oliver, M Caicedo, E Roubin, AE Huespe, JA Hernández
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 294, 384-427, 2015
High performance reduced order modeling techniques based on optimal energy quadrature: application to geometrically non-linear multiscale inelastic material modeling
M Caicedo, JL Mroginski, S Toro, M Raschi, A Huespe, J Oliver
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 26, 771-792, 2019
Modifiable and nonmodifiable predictive factors associated with the outcomes of total knee arthroplasty
DE Bonasia, A Palazzolo, U Cottino, F Saccia, C Mazzola, F Rosso, ...
Joints 7 (01), 013-018, 2019
A multi-criteria h-adaptive finite-element framework for industrial part-scale thermal analysis in additive manufacturing processes
CA Moreira, MA Caicedo, M Cervera, M Chiumenti, J Baiges
Engineering with Computers 38 (6), 4791-4813, 2022
Multi-scale (FE2) analysis of material failure in cement/aggregate-type composite structures
J Oliver, M Caicedo, E Roubin, J Hernández, A Huespe
Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures p 39, 2014
A robust and scalable unfitted adaptive finite element framework for nonlinear solid mechanics
S Badia, MA Caicedo, AF Martín, J Principe
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 386, 114093, 2021
Highperformance model reduction procedures in multiscale simulations
JA Hernández, J Oliver, AE Huespe, M Caicedo
Monograph CIMNE (ISBN: 978-84-9939640-6-1). URL http://centrovnet. cimne …, 2012
An accurate, adaptive and scalable parallel finite element framework for the part-scale thermo-mechanical analysis in metal additive manufacturing processes
CA Moreira, MA Caicedo, M Cervera, M Chiumenti, J Baiges
Computational Mechanics 73 (5), 983-1011, 2024
Continuum approach to computational multi-scale modeling of fracture
J Oliver, M Caicedo, E Roubin, AE Huespe
Key engineering materials 627, 349-352, 2015
Simulación numérica del comportamiento elástico del concreto reforzado con fibras cortas de acero en condición plana de esfuerzos
FA Lamus, MA Caicedo, DL Linero
Ingeniería e Investigación 31 (1), 26-38, 2011
Modelación numérica con elementos finitos del concreto reforzado con fibras cortas mediante un modelo constitutivo de Daño–Plasticidad
MA Caicedo Silva
Departamento de Ingeniería Civil y Agrícola, 2010
Defining and Optimising High-Fidelity Models for Accurate Inherent Strain Calculation in Laser Powder Bed Fusion
I Setien, M Chiumenti, M San Sebastian, MA Caicedo, CA Moreira
Metals 15 (2), 180, 2025
Computational multiscale modeling of fracture problems and its model order reduction
MA Caicedo, X Oliver, AE Huespe
International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2017
Model Order Reduction in computational multiscale fracture mechanics
M Caicedo, J Oliver, AE Huespe, O Lloberas-Valls
Key Engineering Materials 713, 248-253, 2016
Computational homogenization of inelastic materials using model order reduction
JA Hernández, J Oliver, AE Huespe, M Caicedo, JC Cante
CIMNE, 2014
High-performance model reduction procedures in multiscale simulations
JA Hernández Ortega, X Oliver Olivella, AE Huespe, MA Caicedo
Centre Internacional de Mètodes Numèrics en Enginyeria (CIMNE), 2012
Numerical modelling of elastic behaviour of concrete reinforced with steel short fibres in plane stress conditions
FA Lamus, MA Caicedo, DL Linero
Ingeniería e Investigación 31 (1), 26-38, 2011
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Articles 1–20